When we enter line items on a bill, we typically assign the costs to a customer/job but rarely do we mark them as "billable" since the costs are part of our contracted price. We would leave that field blank instead of choosing bilable, has been billed or not billable. By leaving it blank we assume as in QB's that it ...
We are facing dificulties with data stored in our database, international characters such as "ç" are shown as ASCII code "ç". This was not happening in the last week, and it was detected by our users today. This ...
Am wondering if anyone is already doing this....
I am in the process of creating custom tables, screens, functionality in Method for my business. Basically, we have ~300 regular customers set up on 'programs'...which is basically a bunch of products we sell them throughout the year. These programs are created yearly, with moderate ...
Hi Michael -
No, I did not have to link it. The custom field was already listed as a field in the 'InvoiceLine' table (I do not have the option to delete it either). So, the data is automatically populated next to the quantity and amount for each item on the invoices.
Michael - Yes, we tried that originally, but unfortunately some of our reps are neither employees nor vendors, but actually Other Names.
Hi Birch,
Is the Import SKU field a linked field in the InvoiceLine table? If not how is that data populated? Are you exporting the grid using the Export Grid to Excel action?
Have you tried using Linked Fields? You should be able to add Linked fields to the table which can pull data based on the entity(Empolyee/Vendor) that is assigned to the SalesRep.
Hi All -
I have a custom field in Quickbooks called 'Import SKU' that I use for all items in the item list. I use this field to communicate unique SKU information to our warehouse. I have created a grid in Method that I use to export the daily invoice detail from the 'Invoice Line' table. My grid includes this 'Import SKU' ...
I see.
So, even though I can certainly edit the SaleRep table in Method - I've done so repeatedly - I can't import any updates to it, I can only add records. The fact that I can add fields doesn't really get me anywhere, because I can't add data to those fields for existing records.
And as far as SalesRep information is ...
Hi TeamTogs,
The QuickBooks SDK does not allow for editing of the SalesRep table, only adding records. Which means Method will not allow you to edit the SalesRep table.
[quote user="TogsTeam"]Error:Failure. The Table does not support edit.[/quote]
Also if you try to create a screen with a SalesRep grid you will see that it does not ...