Another update...
As of this morning, the Tab key is now not moving me off of the date field! Can somebody please tell me what's going on?
An update...
This post relates to both the post directly above and my post entitled "Auto-Complete" from a few days ago, which Paul responded to. I just discovered that auto-complete does work, in a sense, because if I continue to type the name I want until it is the only one left in the drop-down box and then hit Tab, even ...
Thanks, Paul. You have described my issue accurately.
I am currently working on entering all time spent into QuickBooks through the Method time tracking interface. However, a problem surfaced this morning that has me a bit baffled, since I had not noticed it before today. As I fill in the fields on the time tracking screen, a drop-down list is displayed that is filtered by what I am ...
QuickBooks only requires you to assign a service item to a time entry for purposes of tying the resulting payroll transaction costs to a particular sales item. If time is spent that is not billable, there is no reason to track time against a specific service item, and thus, none is assigned. However, I am finding that Method is not ...
I would like to and am going to attempt to use the time tracker in Method (with a few customizations) to keep track of my time throughout the day. However, I am having to fill out every field, and there is no auto-complete, which makes this a slow process. Am I missing something here? I can arrow down to the correct list entry, ...