Method Community



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  • Re: QuickBooks Custom Fields in Method

    Hi Michael - to close up this forum post, just know that there was no actual issue with the QB custom fields after all!&nbsp; We had just changed our Method password, which caused the integration engine password to be reset.&nbsp; I realized after your suggestion to do a full sync that NOTHING was syncing.&nbsp; Thanks for your help.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 08-24-2011
  • Re: QuickBooks Custom Fields in Method

    &nbsp;No it is not syncing in either direction.&nbsp; If I go to Customize &gt;&gt; Tables/Fields &gt;&gt; Customer Table &gt;&gt; Edit Fields, the field type is listed as Text, and Field Size is 31.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 08-22-2011
  • QuickBooks Custom Fields in Method

    I think I am missing something simple.&nbsp; I am using Enterprise v11, and I have set up a custom field in the &quot;Additional Info&quot; section for the&nbsp;Customer.&nbsp;&nbsp;This field is entitled &quot;Industry.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Method,&nbsp;this field&nbsp;now shows up in the list of Customer fields to be added to a screen.&nbsp; I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 08-22-2011
  • Adding an Opportunity for an Existing Lead

    When&nbsp;adding an opportunity for an exisiting lead, I find it confusing. If you start from the lead edit screen and click to add an opportunity (or just add a new opportunity from the opportunity list), you get three choices - &quot;Existing Customer&quot;, &quot;New Lead&quot;, &quot;New Customer&quot;.&nbsp; There is no choice for ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 08-11-2011
  • Secondary Dropdown

    How do I make a secondary dropdown appear based on the&nbsp;selection from a first dropdown? For example,&nbsp;I have&nbsp;added lead source to the additonal info&nbsp;section of the customer list&nbsp;tab link.&nbsp; The lead source has a drop down of choices.&nbsp; One of my choices in lead source is customer referral.&nbsp; If I choose the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 07-19-2011
  • What is Method Written In

    Have a customer asking me and I do not know&nbsp;how to answer - what is method written in?&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks - Shelly
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 05-06-2011
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