Method Community



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  • Minor button Issue with new version

    I&#39;m having a very minor issue with how buttons render in this new version of method (I had only previously tested in chrome). &nbsp;It appears as though if a button shows up below a grid, the outline/backcolor doesn&#39;t show up properly. &nbsp;The functionality still works and this only appears to happen with IE. &nbsp;Also, I&#39;m using IE ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 02-03-2012
  • Re: Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?

    Michael, I like the fact that you guys are now rolling out new versions as optional at first so that we can debug before all of our users go live with it. &nbsp;One thing I wanted to pose as a stop gap solution for other users is subscribing to your RSS feed on the Method Blog. &nbsp;We have several users that use Method Full Blown and were ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 01-31-2012
  • Re: January Version Bug

    Paul, &nbsp;this looks great! I prefer this to having the tabs wrapping around as they do in the december version. &nbsp;Our admin account that I use for development (and presenting developed screens) will look much cleaner now! &nbsp;Also, there was an issue when a user had a ton of tab links, if the last tab link on a line extended beyond the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 01-31-2012
  • Re: January Version Bug

    Thanks! Everything else seems to be working well!&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 01-21-2012
  • Re: January Version Bug

    Forgot to say, I&#39;m using the latest version of Chrome, when switching to the December version, this issue does not occur.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 01-20-2012
  • January Version Bug

    Looks as though if users have more tabs than can fit horizontally on the screen, they no longer wrap around, not a huge issue for us since our users only usually have a few tabs available to them. &nbsp;In addition, the blue dropdown box next to the role box will not fully show, it&#39;s covered up by the tabs.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 01-20-2012
  • Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?

    Dear Method... Your newest upgrade seems FANTASTIC! Well done, grids are snappier and action sequence queueing is great! &nbsp;I think my users are going to love it! &nbsp;However, what my users did not love is that they could not enter their time into our timesheet program last night. &nbsp;I saw at 5:07 that you posted the method platform ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 12-10-2011
  • Re: Multiple portals pointing to same user table

    Michael, Just to follow up, for any other users reading this. &nbsp;Another way to keep the same security across multiple portals is to create separate username and email address fields. &nbsp;So if you want 3 separate portals for your users, you would ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 07-19-2011
  • Re: Multiple portals pointing to same user table

    Michael, Thanks for the clarification... I&#39;m not sure what happened the first time, but it would only let me log into one of my portals. &nbsp;Looks like we will move to using a custom user table versus the Entity table to keep the logins under lock and key. Best, Kevin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 07-19-2011
  • Multiple portals pointing to same user table

    Our company will be using portals for our employees to log their time throughout the week. &nbsp;Some employees will just log time in, while some will use an approval process, and some will have admin access. &nbsp;So we&#39;re going to use a few different portals for this and have links to those on our website. &nbsp;I have a couple questions ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by csmp on 07-19-2011
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