I'm retrieving summary data from the InvoiceLine table by using the retrieve from table command, with search criteria specified in an action result, and then using the sum and count options for the rresults. This retrieves the correct values, but I would also like to know the number of distinct customers involved in these ...
Hi Ashur,
What I'm trying to produce looks like this:
I'm in the process of creating a report similar to the QuickBooks A/R Aging Detail Report,
but also want to include information from the Customer table and the Activities table. Currently my report is based
on the Customer table as master, with Activity and Transaction as detail tables. This leads to various problems with
the grouping, ...
The problem isn't resolved yet, I still have it in numerous other grids, and I don't know what the actual issue is. It did go away in one grid, but I didn't do anything different than usual.
Further to my last post, I played around with the values of some of the column widths on one of my grids, and the problem went away. So, it appears to be something in the algorithm used to calculate the actual column widths in the displayed grid.
Hope that helps.
Hi Ashur,
Thanks for the clarification on this. I thought as much, but just wanted to double check in case I missed something.
Yes, that's the symbol I'm referring to.
My grids are generally set up with auto grow, users can set their own filters, and a combination of pixel and percentage choices for the column width.
I don't know how to duplicate this problem either.
I have a problem in some of my grids which has been an isssue for quite some time.
When we type something into the filter fields of a grid, another column pops up on the right hand side with the little symbol used for clearing the filters. Sometimes this is not a problem, as the column width is very small; while in other grids that column ...
There is a Reconcile flag field in Quickbooks used for reconciling bank accounts. and I would like to be able to access it in Method.
Is it available somewhere now; or is there a plan to have it in the future?
Wow, good news and amazing response time; that was impressive, lol.
I think I'll just post a few more questions now.