This issue has been resolved. I'll move it to Fixed and Resolved issues. Let us know of any other developments.
Hello Mahlon,
To inform you of updates, this issue has been now resolved. Let me know if you are still having problems with this functionality.
Hello Matt,
I can report the error. I'll need some more information. What preferences on the screen did you change just before you clicked Save? Is there anyway you can provide screen shots of where you were when you received the error message? I'm not sure what you mean by screen ...
Hello Mahlon,
Consistency is always important. I've created a ticket for the issue.
Hello Mahlon,
I did some testing.
For the Unique switch being read-only and not editable on the field table edit screen, I'll put in a ticket. I was able to replicate it.
For the second issue, it's difficult to say what is going on. There does seem to be a time discrepancy ...
Hello pookiefeb,
It is a good idea for Method:New and is available for Method:Classic. I would suspect this came up when they were looking for HTML Editors to use with Method:New. The issue is the HTML Editor is done by a third-party software developer. Most companies do use another company's HTML Editor because ...
Hello Lance,
You do have to create new tags using the interface on the Edit Contacts screen. There is no other way of creating a tag. Once you have your new tags you can use the Integration Tools to import tags to other records. Check out this forum post that explains the process. The taglist field is a ...
Hello Mahlon,
I'm getting another person to test this. I am able to make a change to the note field and have the changes save. On the other hand, I get an error after the data is saved. I'll need to test it on another account.
Hello Mahlon,
I have word that the public pages will be replacing the web forms. The documentation is being worked on for the topic of setting up a public page in Method:New. It is currently unavailable.t
Currently in Method:Classic, if a contact puts themselves in twice using a web form, they have a number ...
Hello Furry,
It can be done but it is a lot of work and can become complex. The Receive Payment functions are some of the most involved in Method. I do see you have posted on the forums about this before on the post about applying credit memos to invoices. The problem is I wouldn't know where to start to assist ...