Hi Adam,
I was able to solve this issue using hyperlinks.
Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it ;)
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for your help.
I'm using the character function to create the link. I start with [ <a href=" ] then append the address and the rest of the link.
When I send an email containing the result of this character merge, it shows up as text. Do you see what I mean?
Thank you : )
Hi Adam,
I want to make the street address clickable. I'm looking to create a google maps link.
I tried hyperlinking without any luck.
Thank you.
On the add/edit Work Order screen, we have a text field that contains the job location and other comments. We send an email containing this information.
The address(job location) in the email shows up as text. Is there a way we can convert it so that it can be recognized as an address on browsers or email apps?
Thank you!
Hi Adam,
Any updates on weather Bills can be posted to QBO with the new intuit API?
Thank you,
Hi Adam,
Thank you for your response.
How do I create customer records for the vendors?
Thank you,
I'm new to the Method community and I'm trying to do the following :
I want to have a screen where I can input a vendor invoice. This invoice will then flow into QBO as a vendor Bill and The items on it will be linked to a Work Order. So that when I pull up that Work Order I'll find the items in the Materials list.
I'm ...