Yes, about that one.
Hello. I want Calendar to retrieve only active users in order to filter. I don't want to delete inactive users yet cause they have records, even if they are not working for the company anymore.
Thanks Justin, yes it helps.
To check if my customized screen had mistakes I copied it and the copy was delivering the following message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the results in your browser... The original customized screen didn't give this error.
But anyway. I then deleted the recurrence type field I had added on ...
Hello. One question: If the Activity # is assigned to a WO does it mean that the Activity has been created and should show up in occurrences lists? All of a sudden my customized Add/Edit WO screen is generating an Activity # but it's not saving it and when I want to create another one the following Activty # shows up...
To check, I ...
Thank you very much. Exchange Rate synchronized fine but not the As of Date Field.
Hello Justin,
For me they should be the same, in fact in QB they are treated as the same. The only advantage I find in them being different is when related to recurrent work orders in the fact that if synchronized with QB all those future recurrent SO's (WO) would be affecting your inventory stock status by item report if ...
In QB Work Orders are Sales Orders, but not in Method. For what I see WO's dont sync with anything in QB. What's the advantage of having it configured this way instead of WO being a SO by default?
Report Designer is delivering an error when trying to open an existing report saying:
The Report Failed to be Created
Unknown time zone
But it is allowing me to create a new report.
1. Item table comes in HNL which is fine. Our item list is in HNL which is our home currency.
2. I want forms (Estimates, Sales Orders, Invoices) to behave exactly as QB templates do when selecting a Customer in USD currency where all money amounts convert automatically using the exchange rate. We have customers in USD and in HNL. ...
Hello Justin. How long do you think this may take? Thanks.