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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Re: How to attach a PDF file to email in Estimates and sales order

    [quote user="Method_Valbon"]If you’re set on emailing the PDF attachment, it’s easy!  You would just use a Generate Report action, immediately followed by a Send Email action to send the PDF.  If you have Method Full Blown Edition, you can reverse engineer how Work Orders are emailed in Method Field Services to see ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by joshtodd on 01-25-2013
  • Re: Email & Tasks Automated WorkFlows like Sales Force

    Yes we are looking for the automation so when we import a lead it will send an auto message out and setup tasks and other auto email messages based on a schedule. We really like your product and would be willing to pay for a feature like that. This one feature is holding us back. Any room on the roadmap for this or plans to do it?   
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by scott2X on 03-21-2012
  • Re: can two email addresses be associated with one employee

    Thanks Paul. I believe that I have everything done with the exception of number 3. I am not sure how to implement the last instruction....... How do we input what the secondary email? How do I implement your instruction to number 3? I have watched the tutorials on customization but this seems a little out of the scope of what they explained ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by wmcfall on 01-20-2012
  • Re: Truncating date/time field in an email

    [quote user="Method_Michael"]Using the Date Function action you can format a date to not have the time displayed, once the date is formatted you will have to use a character function and merge in that formatted date into your email.[/quote]  Michael, can you walk through that a little slower?  I opened my ListBuilder (that you ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Fred_D on 12-12-2011
  • Re: CRM Email Templates

    HI Jim, Is this just happening for one of your Customers, Or everyone except you? Its Possible if its just happening for a handful of your customers that they have Images blocked on their Email client.   Would you be able to forward me the email your customer cant see the image on? My Email is in my signature. Thanks ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Ben on 11-09-2015
  • Re: Email Attachments Not Working

    Further info... Sending email with an attachment resulting from a Generate Report action works okay but when the attachment is from a Document table lookup where the result is a link to an actual document stored in the db, that doesn't get attached for some reason. Make sense? Here's a Document link (click it, it exists and is ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Blake C on 09-02-2015
  • Re: Preview/Edit Estimate Email Prior To Sending?

    Hey Aaron, I would have to test it on my end but: > If User wants to append a message to the EmailBody open a Popup > In Popup have a TextInput for the message > In the Popup the Send Email button have a Character Function that Joins your EmailBody + Value From Screen (TextInput) assign to Action Result > In your SendEmail Action ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 08-14-2015
  • Merging multiple fields into an email

    I would like to send an email when a user submits information through the portal but I do not know how to combine merge fields into a single email. I would like to include relevant customer information from the customers table and also from the screen as they submit it. Can I use the markup TableName.FieldName in the Send Email action of the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by gmatthew on 08-12-2015
  • Email Template for Sales Order

    I created a custom sales order using the Method Integration Report Designer which looks great.  I want to be able to email this custom sales order document that I created. I'm not looking to send one of my suppliers a portal where they can download. I want the custom document attached as a PDF in the email. How do I get the document ...
  • Activities email attaching a file

    Following up on conversations with leads or customers we want to send and attachment with the email we can generate within the Activities screen but can't locate an attach file button or option. For instance, I just spoke with a customer who requested an updated price list but since I couldn't find an attach file button within Method I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wayne on 05-28-2015
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