Hi Michael, I added another test customer and checked the Waiting for Sync Approval for the sales order and this time it didn't go into Quickbooks. My question now is - where does the approval occur so that it does go into Quickbooks?
Hi James,
[quote user="jnoneiliv1"]but over time we'll accumulate
a lot of Sales Oder Line records and it feels a bit computationally inefficient
for maintaining a schedule of open Sales Order Line items[/quote]
Are you only creating one sales order that you will use indefinitely? Or will each sales order just have many ...
I just wanted to let you know that I can repeat this predictably and I'll send you a screen shot.
It's not a big problem and easily worked around, but a bit cumbersome when editing a lot of items, I'll characterize for you in the mail.
I'm wondering if there is a recommended strategy for closing sales order line items in Method.
I can see that Sales Orders have isFullyInvoiced and isManuallyClosed boolean fields to manage the open or closed status of an order, but we need to treat each Sales Order Line for a NonInventory part as a "Job" and maintain open or closed ...
Hi cpitts,
This should now be working.
Hi Andy,
This issue should now be resolved.
Hi cpitts,
This issue should now be resolved.
Hi Gary,
This should now be resolved.
Hi Andy,
We are aware of this issue and are working on getting it resolved. I will updated this post once the update goes out.