In the default Invoice screen, the subtotal amount adds up the totals without the decimals. Where do I change the setting so that it calculates to the penny instead of to the dollar?
You could add a linked field to the table and then use it on the grid as an option. What kind of data are you trying to add to the grid?
In a grid, can I reference a field that is not in the table that the grid is based on?
You can try filtering the Invoice type by either, Does not contain To Be or Contains To Be to give you some segregation
(In the filter header of a grid next to each filter field there is an arrow you
can click that gives you additional filter options.)
Ok, point taken. I won't change "To be invoiced." Would it cause problems if I changed "Invoiced" to "Billed"? The reason I want to change one of them is because we can't segragate between "Invoiced" and "To be Invoiced" in the WO grid, i.e. you can't see only records ...
JKM@SA- You may need to customize that screen further and add a select to the grid or make the grid editable.
JKM@SA - If you do end up renaming that field value, and are using Method Field Services, be prepared to do a lot of customization in many screens. There are *A LOT* of places that look for and use the specific value of "To be Invoiced" that will all break as soon as you rename it. You can do it......but be prepared for a lot ...
Hi Shirley,
[quote user="Shirley Makrecky"]My Report is based on Customer - Invoice.Customer tables. (Would this be correct?) [/quote]
It would probably be a better idea to use the Invoice table as the master table.
[quote user="Shirley Makrecky"]1. If I include the Amount field and the Amount Applied field to the ...
We have a screen named "Invoice Type" related to the field ActivityInvoiceType. I know how to add entries I just can't figure out how to edit existing ones.
Hi Michael:
Ok, I am working in the Report Designer which has brought up a number of questions I can't figure out?
My Report is based on Customer - Invoice.Customer tables. (Would this be correct?)
1. If I include the Amount field and the Amount Applied field to the report and I want a third
field to subtract the two to ...