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  • Re: Calendar Options

    Hi Soakley75, In order for us to understand what exactly is wrong in your case, can you please do the following: 1. Right Click &quot;My Computer&quot; icon and click Properties. 2. Click Advanced System Settings 3. On Advanced Tab click Environment Variables 4. In System Variables click New and add following: Variable ...
  • Re: Calendar Options

    I see it in Programs and Features.&nbsp; I can&#39;t think of or find any security settings that might be a problem.&nbsp; The add-in shows up in the Trust Center in Outlook under inactive add-ins and even when I go to manage add-ins and tick the box nothing happens. Uploaded with
  • Re: Calendar Options

    &nbsp;I&#39;m in the same boat.&nbsp; I do have the Method Outlook plugin displaying in my Control Panel under Add Remove programs and it says that I have version 2.1.37 installed.&nbsp; I have email functionality but no calendar features.&nbsp; My setup screen looks the same as soakley75.
  • Outlook Plugin

    I can&#39;t seem to get the outlook plugin to work properly.&nbsp; I&#39;m unable to synchronize my calendar and don&#39;t see the new fields when I click the setup button.&nbsp; I&#39;ve tried uninstalling and re-installing but nothing is working.&nbsp;
  • Re: Calendar Options

    Hi soakley75, Do you see the Method Outlook plug-in as installed in the Control Panels =&gt; Programs and Features? Did you unistall previous version of the plug-in before installing a new version? Do you have any security settings that may suppress proper installation of Outlook plug-in?&nbsp; Thank you Victor
  • Re: Import CRM Data

    Hi Roger, [quote user=&quot;roger&quot;]Which Method tables contain bits of information related to CRM? &nbsp;It appears obvious that the &#39;Contacts&#39; and &#39;Customer&#39; tables are involved (setting the &#39;IsLeadStatusOnly&#39; field to &#39;TRUE&#39;) but are there other tables (LeadSource, Opportunity, etc.)[/quote] The only other ...
  • Re: Calendar Options

    Thanks, I&#39;ve downloaded and installed the current version and nothing shows up in Outlook.&nbsp; It&#39;s not in the disabled items either.&nbsp; Do you you need to change the default installation folder for it to work?&nbsp; I&#39;ve uninstalled, rebooted and re-installed a few times with no luck.
  • Import CRM Data

    I am working with a client to import data extracted from their current CRM (Maximizer). &nbsp;The &#39;Import/Export&#39; section under &#39;Integration Tools&#39; appears to contain the &quot;right&quot; tools. &nbsp;However, I have a few questions... Which Method tables contain bits of information related to CRM? &nbsp;It appears obvious that ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by roger on 05-27-2011
  • Re: Adding new field to BillLineItem

    Hi, Now that this new field is in the table you will also need to add it to the screen itself. Go to Customize &gt; Screens and edit the Bill screen (It will ask you to make a copy). On that screen you should see a grid for BillLineItem editing that grid will allow you to add additonal fields to it. Lastly you would also need to add this new ...
  • Adding new field to BillLineItem

    &nbsp;I&#39;m posting on behalf of a new client :) &quot;Hi, &nbsp; I want to enter a field on&nbsp; a bill line item called trailer no.&nbsp; &nbsp; I want to be able to generate a report for all expenses by trailer no.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is trailer no. a data field?&nbsp; I added it to BillLineItem but it is not showing up&quot;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Wayne on 05-27-2011
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