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  • Re: Error with Portal

    Hi akoumjian, This filter should be applied on Step 3 of 8: Filters&nbsp;when editing the grid. By the sounds of that error it looks like you are applying it to the drop down itself. That error means you have duplicate Vendors once those are addressed you can change the settings there. -Michael
  • Already created actions not showing up to edit?

    Two questions: &nbsp; First, I have added actions to my estimate screen, but when I go back to edit them, they aren&#39;t anywhere to be found in the edit section, yet the actions are still being used in the screen...why are these not showing up for edit?&nbsp; &nbsp; Second, I was wondering if Method was capable of having picture icons that ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Jessica226 on 05-26-2011
  • 6 places after decimal for currency, need 2

    I am trying to customize the estimate report and as soon as I opened it, it came up as having 5 or 6 decimal points after the quantity and cost columns.&nbsp; I have checked the formatting string and it&#39;s {0:$0.00} and I&#39;ve tried changing it and then changing it back.&nbsp; Is there any other way to make this work?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Jessica226 on 05-25-2011
  • Re: Error with Portal

    For the grid fields, I&#39;ve gone to the Advanced link for the field Vendor From their, I&#39;ve added a filter that is &quot;FullName is equal to spdLoggedInThirdPartyLoginEntityFullName&quot;. There is no option to select &quot;Vendor&quot; for the filter list. When I go to save, I get the following message: &quot;The field FullName cannot ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by akoumjian on 05-25-2011
  • Re: Error with Portal

    Hi akoumjian, You should be filtering the grid by&nbsp;Vendor is equal to Third Party Portal Entity FullName.&nbsp;What are the current filters on the purchase order grid? -Michael
  • Error with Portal

    We have a portal set up for our vendors. About three weeks ago it stopped working properly and we are not sure why.&nbsp; We have a screen set up so that the Vendors can view our Purchase Orders with them. It filters based on their Vendor Record ID and only displays the ones that match with the logged in Portal User. About three weeks ago, the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by akoumjian on 05-25-2011
  • Re: ipad browser can't scroll

    Hi Wavetec, I haven&#39;t tested this but I did a bit of research, when you are scrolling in Method are you using 2 fingers or 1 finger? To scroll within frames on an iPad you need to use 2 fingers (Method uses frames). -Michael
  • ipad browser can't scroll

    I have tried Safari, Skyfire, and Atomic (both as firefox 3 and IE8) and everytime I get the same issue.&nbsp; I can&#39;t seem to scroll thru my screens.&nbsp; I have many custom screens and I know you can&#39;t really speak to them, but I was just wondering if there was a general reason or if anyone had this issue and has gotten around it. I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 05-23-2011
  • Re: Updating data directly in a grid

    Hi JKM@SA, Do you have any actions on this grid? What are the standard Method fields that you have on the grid? I created a customer grid with 11 fields some of them being standard and some being custom and it is a mixture of all different kinds of fields and I am not able to duplicate your issue. -Michael
  • Re: Updating data directly in a grid

    I have 11 fields on the grid, some of which are new fields I&#39;ve added to the table.&nbsp; I can change or add data in both the original customer fields and/or my new fields but when I hit update the wheel just keeps spinning.&nbsp; I&#39;ve tried to update both text fields and yes/no fields.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by JKM@SA on 05-23-2011
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