Can you give me the exact steps you took to create this transction in the order they took place, that way I can test the exact same steps on my account and see if I get the same results.
Michael - I did check Waiting for Sync Approval before I clicked Save.
Thank you for the quick response. I was aware of the html issue, but I didn't think it was related to the IE error. I very much appreciate your help!
-- Larry
Hi Larry,
I had debugged your web form and came to conclusion that the problem is on your side. The reason for your error, is the way your html page is built. For example, if you look at your page with IE8 Developer Tools, you will notice that within an html tag <form id="form_contact"> you have another html tag <form ...
Hey Ian,
This message should no longer appear.
Hi pdirect,
Just to give you a heads up, you should now see a favicon on the login page.
Hi Alec,
This should now work :)
Hi Brett,
This has now been increased to 4000 characters.
I have a web form which works in Firefox, but the same form (same site) generates an error when I submit it from IE8.
This form can be found at if you click on either the Find Out More button or the Contact Us button.
In Firefox, the form is submitted, I get the contact info in my Opportunities, and I receive a ...
Hi mkbockhold,
It seems that Outlook Plug-in did get installed, but it's simply missing from toolbars. Can you look whether method icons are available when you click customize toolbar? Also, to be able to diagnose your problem better, can you take a screenshot of what you see when you click setup button, as well as a screenshot of ...