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  • Inventory Adjustments not reflecting

    I&#39;ve made an inventory adjustment for an inventory part &quot;X&quot;.&nbsp; I created an adjustment for this item, and this item alone.&nbsp; When I saved and refreshed the existing inventory adjustment list, a reference number was generated for this specific adjustment. I immediately went over to the Home Tab, under Items.&nbsp; The ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cpitts on 05-05-2011
  • Re: External Authentication API - Need a Solution

    Thanks for the response. &nbsp;That would resolve getting the user to the portal, but would not solve them being authenticated in, right? &nbsp;Or am I missing something? &nbsp;Thanks.
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by victormethod on 05-05-2011
  • Re: Resolve Conflict backlogging

    No specific data.&nbsp; They all say &quot;Sync&quot; for the Type of error.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cpitts on 05-05-2011
  • Re: External Authentication API - Need a Solution

    From inside your current portal you might try having a customer being re-directed into a method portal using a method short URL.
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by LaCrews on 05-05-2011
  • Re: Job Costing Question

    Hi John, I am not quite clear what you are trying to do but using the standard job cost report I was able to produce this: Project - 123 is the project I created and those are the job items located within each individual work order. Each individual work order is linked to the main project through the&nbsp;RecurrenceRecordID field. -Michael
  • External Authentication API - Need a Solution

    To the Community and Method Staff: We have been evaluating Method and find lots of things about it that we really like. &nbsp;A key problem that we have is that our Web site already has a registration/authentication service into which our members login. &nbsp; Our need is for our users to be able to click on &quot;My Invoices&quot; for example ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by victormethod on 05-05-2011
  • Job Costing Question

    Morning, I did my first project. So i created a project in field services and method created 5 work orders. So every day i entered job costing information for each work order.&nbsp; What i did not realize is, at the end of the project, i could not see all the job costs for those 5 work orders. I could only get a job summery report for each work ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 05-05-2011
  • Re: EstimateList Grid

    Hi Andy, Based on what you have described it looks like you want the Quote screen to be driven off a new table and not the standard Method Estimate table. If this is the case you can&#39;t just make a copy of the estimate screen you would have to create a screen from scratch because screens are tied directly to a table and that can&#39;t be ...
  • Re: Color Coded Item Bar Not Saving

    Hi wpdon, This may be an issue that has to be addressed through paid consulting since it looks like you have done alot of customization and it would require someone to actually look at the screens and changes you made. I am not sure how you are saving the colour information but if its in a grid or in a field on the screen and its not a linked ...
  • EstimateList Grid

    I&#39;m creating a new screen entitled &quot;Quotes&quot; and would like to use the Estimate screen as a starting point. Since the Estimate screen is already in use, the first thing I need to do is use a different grid for the list that will show up on the left side of the completed screen so that this list can be kept separately from the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 05-05-2011
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