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  • Color Coded Item Bar Not Saving

    We have a custom designed color coded bar tied to item selections on the Sales Order Screen that prints out on a modified sales order report.&nbsp; I have modified the text on both the screen and report to change the item name from a previous name (done to reflect our brand changes).&nbsp; While the text change has taken hold and prints out ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by wpdon on 05-04-2011
  • Re: Resolve Conflict backlogging

    Hi cpitts, What&#39;s the conflict message? (If there is any customer or transaction specific data that you don&#39;t want on the forums just email me the conflict directly) -Michael
  • Resolve Conflict backlogging

    I have a number of errors logged in my RC that have somehow backlogged.&nbsp; As of April 1st, our resolve conflict had 0 entries.&nbsp; By the middle of April, we have about 10 error entries that date for March 14th.&nbsp; The more confusing part is that for each backlogged error, the RecordID is 0, and there is one, and only one, error for each ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cpitts on 05-04-2011
  • Re: Contact Portal Message

    Hi Ian, We already have a fix in place for this issue and it will be pushed out with our next live site update (I can&#39;t give you the specfic on when this will be but it shouldn&#39;t be to far away) -Michael
  • Re: Contact Portal Message

    Hi Michael, I was wondering when this message can be removed, I got 1 customer complain about it already. Thank you. Ian
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by ian on 05-04-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    Hi pdirect, I just wanted to add a couple of extra things. The error is coming from the SMTP provider, not from Method.&nbsp; Method is only reporting back the error from the SMTP provider. &nbsp; &nbsp; Method does things different than actual email clients like Outlook. In Outlook when you send an email it adds it to your Outbox, ...
  • Re: Email Error

    BTW, we had this same problem when using a different smtp server (non-AT&amp;T) . . . but we switched to the AT&amp;T smtp server to see if would go away, but of course it didn&#39;t.&nbsp; It&#39;s not all the time, but it is frequent.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    Considering it is a free forum which we provide to help give a helping hand to our community and point you in the right direction, I think Michael did go pretty far. &nbsp;If you trully feel that this is a Method issue, feel free to call in and open a paid support session and we&#39;d be happy to look into it even deeper. &nbsp;If it&#39;s on our ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    Above and beyond?! This is just basic troubleshooting. We&#39;ve had this problem ever since we started using Method, I&#39;m just reporting it now.&nbsp; And this ONLY happens in Method. If this were an AT&amp;T problem we would be experiencing issue in Outlook, on our smartphones and other applications that use this same SMTP server.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    I think at this point, Michael has gone above and beyond the try and help. It wouldn&#39;t hurt to check with them (AT&amp;T) to see if they are experiencing issues. &nbsp;Just my 2 cents especially if everything was working fine and now you&#39;re experiencing problems. &nbsp;We have not released any new updates since you reported the problem. ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-03-2011
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