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  • Re: Database Size

    Hi l.brandow, I will look into this and get back to you. -Michael
  • Re: Email Error

    There are always going to be errors that show up in any provider&#39;s forum.&nbsp; That&#39;s just part of email. But again, this isn&#39;t happening in any of our Outlook clients or other applications ... so I&#39;m not going to point my fingers at AT&amp;T at this point. If you don&#39;t know why this is happening, that&#39;s fine. But I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    Hi pdirect, Take a look at the AT&amp;T forums HERE. You will see that a lot of other people are experiencing email issues like the one you describe in this forum post. -Michael
  • Re: Database Size

    One of our clients is looking forward to this feature. Is there any way we can find out what their method&#39;s database size is until this feature is built and released?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by l.brandow on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    I&#39;m not surprised that would want me to contact AT&amp;T or Yahoo about this issue&nbsp; . . . that&#39;s the usual technology blame game.&nbsp; The problem with that is that this only happens in Method even though we use the same SMTP settings for all of our Outlook users as well as a few other applications.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 05-03-2011
  • Re: Email Error

    Hi pdirect, Is the smtp address&nbsp; I did a bit of google searching and it looks like yahoo itself may have been having some issues. When Method sends an email it just passes information to the SMTP server and then the SMTP server takes over and actually sends the email&nbsp; I would suggest maybe contacting AT&amp;T or ...
  • Re: Calendar view to schedule Human Ressources

    Hi Formation QB, What you can do is create each employee as a user(Just make sure user can sign-in is unchecked and optionally associate a employee/vender to that user you created) which would allow you to schedule jobs for employees in the field service center. The field service center should already display the AssignedTo (The users you ...
  • Re: Resolving Conflicts

    Hi Gary, I am going to look into this and get back to you. -Michael
  • Calendar view to schedule Human Ressources

    Hello ! I have a client that would like to use a calendar to schedule his Human Ressources Agency.&nbsp; I am thinking of recommending Method Field Service.&nbsp; I have a few questions... Is it possible to show the employees on the Calendar?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Right now the WO on the calendar show the customer name, job name, status, type, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Formation QB on 05-02-2011
  • Re: Syncing Error:

    Hi Cpitts, Have you tried un-deleting this conflict? Do you have multiple conflicts showing up or just this conflict? From the message it seems like the Sales Order that Method was trying to update was being accessed by something else (a person or a process) so Method was unable to update it. -Michael
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