Hi there,
You won’t find step-by-step-instructions on how to do this specifically...but it’s really not that hard.Let me try and help.
1. Customize the screen so that you can add a grid (if it’s not already there).
2. Add a button to the screen.
3. Edit the button to add the action called ‘Export Grid To ...
Hi Victor,
I just realized the fix isn't working. On my form setup the "From" email address is changed and is what is should be, however the emails the form sends out are still
Hello Michael,
Are there instructions available on how to do this somewhere?
That's odd (on Intuit's part), but at least I know now not to use that field in QuickBooks and create add'l ones in Method.
Thanks for the reply,
Hi Brett,
The QuickBooks SDK doesn't actually let us pull that information from QuickBooks so we have no means of getting it into Method from QuickBooks.
What you can do is use a grid in conjunction with the Export Grid to Excel action. Any filters you apply using the filter heading will be applied to the export of the grid.
Where's the Cc field from the Address Info tab for the Customer in QuickBooks; it is not in the Customer table in Method.
Is there an option to add the ability to export data from a custom table, based on search segmentation?
Example: I have a custom table layout and I want to search for everyone from New York and export that data to a .csv
How would I go about doing this?
Hi jnonick,
When editing a drop down list step 5 of 5 contains the options to filter the drop down.
Time can be tracked for both Employees and Vendors if you take a look at the Timesheet screen in QuickBooks you will see both Vendors and Employees listed for Name, we mimic how QuickBooks stores its records so that we can ensure a tight-knit ...
I'm brand new to Method and am trying to muddle through customizing some screens (not nearly as easy as advertized unless you know what you're doing, by the way). I came across the same issue regarding the Name field and found this post from 2 years ago. You mentioned that we'd be able to filter dropdowns by entity type (in this case), ...