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  • Re: Contact Portal Message

    Ian, One more question for you, what browser do you normally use? Does it happen in multiple browsers for you? -Michael
  • Re: Sync Engine issue

    No problem glad to be of help -Michael
  • Re: Importing Data / QB sync + Custom Table/Fields

    iLs, Based on the message &quot;Currently there are no fields added to this grid. Please edit this grid in Customize &gt; Screens and add desired field(s).&quot; It looks like you just need to add columns to your grid. If you edit that screen and then edit the grid, in step 2 it will ask you to insert some columns. Insert some columns and ...
  • Re: Sync Engine issue

    &nbsp;Hi Michael: It was my misinterpretation as to what to do with the sync engine on computer 2.&nbsp; I was adding the account name - user name and password in the sync engine on computer 2 because I thought that was necessary to be&nbsp;synced to computer 1 &quot;main computer&quot;.&nbsp; After reading your message, I went back and did a ...
  • Re: Importing Data / QB sync + Custom Table/Fields

    Thanks, Michael. This may seem like an odd question, but how do I export the contents of the table? UPDATE: I was able to export the table, and the data I had imported was in there. However, the data exported in a strange way with contents from fields in seemingly random rows and columns. Any way to fix this? (i.e. Email addys all in one ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by iLs on 04-15-2011
  • Re: Importing Data / QB sync + Custom Table/Fields

    iLs, That&#39;s a bit odd. I am going to suggest trying to export the contents of the table you created and make sure that it actually has data. [quote user=&quot;iLs&quot;]Good to know, thank you. A follow up here... if I use the QB established fields, but also add custom fields via Method (which I won&#39;t need to have in QB) am I still able ...
  • Re: Sync Engine issue

    Hi Shirley, For the Method Integration Engine to work QuickBooks has to be open on the computer that the Engine is installed on. The &#39;Main&#39; computer&#39;s sync engine will take care of the Full Syncs and Changes-Only syncs and the sync engine&#39;s on the other computers will get put into listen-only mode and listen for changes in in ...
  • Re: Importing Data / QB sync + Custom Table/Fields

    [quote user=&quot;Method_Michael&quot;] Did you create a new screen for this table / does this screen have a grid?[/quote] Yes, I created a custom screen and it does have a grid. I added the custom fields to the grid. When I check the screen, under the custom Tab, the fields all show up, but none of the data I imported is showing up. For some ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by iLs on 04-15-2011
  • Re: Importing Data / QB sync + Custom Table/Fields

    Welcome to Method iLs, [quote user=&quot;iLs&quot;]In Method, I created a custom Tab, a custom table (with custom fields) and imported a test data file from our other CRM. The import completed successfully and I can see the fields I created in the custom &quot;Prospect Center&quot; tab, but am unable to see any of the imported entries? What do I ...
  • Re: Sync Engine issue

    &nbsp;Hi Michael: No, I don&#39;t have QuickBooks open on second computer.&nbsp; The Method engine should be pointing to the QuickBooks on the first &quot;main&quot; computer right?&nbsp; I am wondering if when we&nbsp;reset the Computer To Sync with:&nbsp; (Even though it shows the&nbsp;new computer it did not actually reset and is looking at ...
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