One more question for you, what browser do you normally use? Does it happen in multiple browsers for you?
No problem glad to be of help
Based on the message "Currently there are no fields added
to this grid. Please edit this grid in Customize > Screens and add desired
field(s)." It looks like you just need to add columns to your grid. If
you edit that screen and then edit the grid, in step 2 it will ask you to insert
some columns. Insert some columns and ...
Hi Michael:
It was my misinterpretation as to what to do with the sync engine on computer 2.
I was adding the account name - user name and password in the sync engine on computer 2 because I thought that was necessary to be synced to computer 1 "main computer". After reading your message, I went back and did a ...
Thanks, Michael.
This may seem like an odd question, but how do I export the contents of the table?
UPDATE: I was able to export the table, and the data I had imported was in there. However, the data exported in a strange way with contents from fields in seemingly random rows and columns. Any way to fix this? (i.e. Email addys all in one ...
That's a bit odd. I am going to suggest trying to export the contents of the table you created and make sure that it actually has data.
[quote user="iLs"]Good to know, thank you. A follow up here... if I use the QB established fields, but also add custom fields via Method (which I won't need to have in QB) am I still able ...
Hi Shirley,
For the Method Integration Engine to work QuickBooks has to be open on the computer that the Engine is installed on. The 'Main' computer's sync engine will take care of the Full Syncs and Changes-Only syncs and the sync engine's on the other computers will get put into listen-only mode and listen for changes in in ...
[quote user="Method_Michael"]
Did you create a new screen for this table / does this screen have a grid?[/quote]
Yes, I created a custom screen and it does have a grid. I added the custom fields to the grid. When I check the screen, under the custom Tab, the fields all show up, but none of the data I imported is showing up. For some ...
Welcome to Method iLs,
[quote user="iLs"]In Method, I created a custom Tab, a custom table (with custom fields) and imported a test data file from our other CRM. The import completed successfully and I can see the fields I created in the custom "Prospect Center" tab, but am unable to see any of the imported entries? What do I ...
Hi Michael:
No, I don't have QuickBooks open on second computer.
The Method engine should be pointing to the QuickBooks on the first "main" computer right? I am wondering if when we reset the Computer To Sync with: (Even though it shows the new computer it did not actually reset and is looking at ...