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  • Re: Sum of a grid row

    Hi Greg, This can be achieved using SQL Overrides. The webinar HERE&nbsp;goes over SQL overrides in Method grids. -Michael
  • Re: Calendar Error

    Hi Matt, I was able to duplicate this using Firefox 4 but it looks like scheduling still works as it should. One thing I want to mention is that that message should no longer be coming up when we push out the latest update to Method which is planned to go live today. -Michael
  • Re: Was Method given a shot in the arm?

    John M - no shots&nbsp;in the arm - yet. When you use Method more often, it stays fast since the pages stay &quot;warm&quot;.&nbsp; If you only hit Method occasionally, it has to load more libraries again from scratch.&nbsp; So, I&#39;m not sure if maybe before you weren&#39;t getting in every day. We also had to replace a key hardware component ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 03-29-2011
  • Was Method given a shot in the arm?

    Good Morning, I started using Method yesterday and the speed was simply incredible. It was so fast! I dont know if it was Firefox&#39;s new update or what but the speed was really impressive.&nbsp; When i used my Verizion wireless USB modem there was a improvement as well. Great to see! Take care, John M
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 03-29-2011
  • Re: Automated emails

    Michael, The description you gave of re-engeneering the Email work Order button is exactly what I am trying to do. I have created the email template and am working on creating a button for the FieldService_Calendar screen. is it easier to put the button on the calendar screen or the work orders list screen? Can you share with me some of the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matlow99 on 03-29-2011
  • Sum of a grid row

    Hello, I&#39;ve created a grid for monthly expense items. The first column is the item, followed by 12 columns for the 12 months. I would like to sum the total of&nbsp;each month&nbsp;into the last column.&nbsp; I&#39;ve noticed there is a &#39;Get Sum&#39; action, but this only sums up columns. Is there a way to sum vales in the same ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by SpaScapes on 03-28-2011
  • Re: Calendar Error

    Michael, It appears that the problem only occurs in the new firefox browser. I entered a new appontment the most common way by clicking into a space on the calendar and following the steps. I am using standard screens. &nbsp; Thanks, Matt
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matlow99 on 03-28-2011
  • Re: Data Refresh or Corruption issue

    Michael - Monday update on weekend activities: I uploaded an updated version of the SalesRepLookup file, tested my commission report, fixed some mis-assigned Reps and TxRegions (our fault) in both Method and QB, and ran both Update routines successfully (much faster now, thanks!)... and we&#39;re up and running after giving sufficient time to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by TogsTeam on 03-28-2011
  • Re: Random QuickBooks popup

    Just a heads up, this issue has been addressed in the lastest Method Intergration Engine update, you can find out more HERE. &nbsp; -Michael
  • Re: Planned Release Date field

    Thanks Michael. Easy fix.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 03-28-2011
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