I took the basic estimate report and started editing off of that format. The summarization is of line item prices, it is a subtotal. The
tables that the original estimate work off of are the Company, Estimate, and EstimateLine, so those are that ones that I am using. It
seems like everything should be set up correctly to begin with ...
Thank you for your reply, looking to invoice the series as a whole. I recieve a messeage 0 invoices created.
Thank you,
Hi Caliper,
Are you trying to invoice individual occurrences in a series or the series as a whole? I need a bit more detail on what you are trying to do.
Thats strange. Have you tried a rebuild in QuickBooks? If the rebuild doesn't fix the issue get in touch with me at and I will schedule a call with you to go over this.
Have you taken a look at the format strings on the existing reports? What exactly are you trying to summarize?
What table are you working off of for this report?
Can not create an invoice from series.
I took a look at each conflict, they were all instances of list modifications/deletions being made in multi-user mode and have since been rectified.
I also Exported the customer table to a tab delimited format and used excel to search for the missing customer:jobs, unfortunately there aren't appearing there either.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your advice, but...
I set the format string to {0:$0.00} a couple of times, and it wouldn't change the four decimal points. I tried to 'ignor null values' also and that didn't change it either.
I also tried the 'ShipAddr2' and it kept inputting the first line of the address, not the second. I ...
Your missing one important part. ChildCode is also a dropdown field in the table Children. Strangley enough, I added a field to the SalesReceiptLine that is called Child, which is from where I am selecting ChildCode in the SalesReceiptLine grid in the SR screen; however, when I look at the SalesReceiptLine table, I cannot delete that ...
Hi cpitts,
The best way to figure this out is to edit the table you are trying to import into and take note to see if the columns are checked as having to be unique or required. This should help you determine which fields have to be inserted and which ones cannot be duplicates.