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  • Re: Customize follow up email message

    Michael - it appears that you have to give the new linked field a name that&#39;s unique from left-to-right: when the merge command is parsing the field name it stops as soon as it &quot;reads&quot; an existing field name. To illustrate: Customer.RepName&nbsp;&nbsp; - works Customer.SalesRepName&nbsp;&nbsp; -- merges out to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by TogsTeam on 03-14-2011
  • Re: Table Tool in Report Designer

    Thanks Michael.&nbsp; Yes, it does seem to work very well and even appears to support cells within cells, although I try to keep it one row of cells within the frame and avoid cell within cells to make formatting easier. It can be a bit tricky to get the borders to work as it does not cross bands and any space padding created by bands that create ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 03-14-2011
  • Re: Table Tool in Report Designer

    Hi James, I don&#39;t see anything wrong with using that feature in Report Designer , we don&#39;t have any reports right now that take advantage of it but I have used it before and it works quite well. -Michael
  • Table Tool in Report Designer

    I am experimenting with the Table Tool in the Report Designer and it looks like a really helpful tool to line up tabular data or grids in reports.&nbsp; Not to be confused with data tables and screen grids. I have not been able to find any mention of this in the Webinars and the default reports do not appear to use this feature. I am thinking it ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 03-13-2011
  • Re: Best Device for Field Service Tech on the Road?

    Any experience with the new Motorola XOOM and Method? &nbsp; Thanks for your help
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Pioneer on 03-11-2011
  • Re: Web form error

    Hi Greg, I am glad to see that you are putting the Web Forms to use. At his point we have gone beyond the scope and purpose of this forum for the issue you are now experiencing. This issue is outside of Method (I&#39;m assuming that the code the Method itself generated works) and would be best directed to your own Web Developer if you are still ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Michael on 03-11-2011
  • Re: Web form error

    &nbsp;The validation script is in the form, I don&#39;t know why it wouldn&#39;t work. The only thing that I can see is different is this: Method produces the following line: &lt;form action=&quot;; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by SpaScapes on 03-11-2011
  • Re: Web form error

    &nbsp;Hi Victor, I think the validation might be the issue. Those are the errors I received today, although they were not the original error. I will fix the validation in the form, test it and let you know if any non-validation errors happen.
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by SpaScapes on 03-11-2011
  • Re: Web form error

    Hi Greg, You can copy the error to the forum, so other people having the same problem will also know how to fix it. Also, while testing your web form, I&#39;ve noticed that you don&#39;t have validation for any of the fields (even though we did include the javascript validation in our web forms). As a result, if a customer for example doesn&#39;t ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Victor on 03-11-2011
  • Re: Best Device for Field Service Tech on the Road?

    Pioneer, It looks like that tablet is using a regular OS and not a tablet OS which means you should be able to run the non-mobile version of Method on it. -Michael&nbsp;
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