Hi Ben,
After some testing here, it would appear there is an issue with syncing Vendor notes for QuickBooks Online accounts. Although the 'Notes' field is contained on the Entity table as you observed, the notes added from QBO do not actually sync here, or anywhere within Method for Vendors at the moment (only Customers)
Ive brought this ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
Confirm disconnection for users who disconnect QBO Sync & have Intuit Payments connected (PL-5848)
Drop down search results are not consistent on when searching large datasets (PL-5605)
App Ribbon errors when screen has no active record ID (PL-5917)
Activity ...
When create BillLineItem, it is ok to set "Customer" field. However, seems not able to update this "Customer" field by "Update Table field" action later. Is there anything I need to do to make it editable?
hi all
i insert a data using MethodAPIInsertV2 http post..
the data table is contacts. its goes in contact but shared contacts.. i want it in my All contacts.
and when i click on the record in contacts. the method app gives error
error is
please try again if the problem is persists sign out sign in and try again..
i did that ...
Hmm Ok. My screen still works after trying it but I had some very simple actions in there. Ill continue to play around with it and get back with you.
Hi Mahlon,
IVe opened up a ticket with our development team to look into this one. I'm looking into a temporary workaround for the issue, but so far no luck.
Ill keep you posted with any updates.
Thanks Mahlon.
I can use the Vendor field "Note" and it does not communicate with QBO.
The Entity Field "Notes" does communicate with QBO.
Can you please help me know how to get the Entity field "Notes" to be accessible on my Vendor page.
Glad to Hear it Maureen!
Try nesting conditional statements at least 4 or 5 deep. The add a new statement and copy an action from an existing statement, then paste into the new statement
Ok. Disconnecting and reconnecting with Google from my Method profile solved the issue for me.