I know this error has been logged - I'm just noting that I tried again, and got the error when attempting to click Finished. I was able to refresh the screen and return to the Edit Screens list of screens, and when I checked the Customers screen again, the new linked field was listed... but it's still not working in the email, and I ...
Hi Method Community,
It has been brought to our attention that some Method accounts are unable to see their screens properly. We are now aware of the situation and will update you once we have more news.
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We apologize for any in convince this ...
We are looking for a developer who knows how to use methods API which will be connected to our website.
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The best way to do this would be to assign the current date / time from session to an action result and then use the Date Add action to add let's say 7 days to the value of that action result and then set that action result for the Expiry Date in the Create Short Method URL action
I think the bug or whatever that popped up prevented the definition of the linked field. When I use the email template now, I get:
{Value of Customer.SalesRep} "Name"
Which displays as, for example:
"TO Name"
because for this record, "TO" is the value of Customer.SalesRep, and "Name" appears to be the ...
Thanks a lot for help, Michael, it works great. I just have one more question, how to set the expire date, if i want to limit the access time for customer.
Oh, I see, that is why. oh ok, should i retrive the customer record id from customer table or just using the sales order screen id.
I will have to look into this further. The IncomeAccount field is a drop down type field that references FullName in the Account table, I will need to verify if drop down fields are a special case. Do you mind posting the SQL you have at the moment or emailing it to me?
Hi Ian,
Which screen did you use to send this email from? Was that screen customized? If it was it looks like the CustomerRecordID may not be set in the Create Short Method URL action.