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  • Re: Resolve conflicts error

    Tracy, I&#39;ve seen this kind of thing before, especially with international addresses.&nbsp; It&#39;s actually a problem with QuickBooks / QuickBooks SDK at the root of the problem.&nbsp; Method just gets caught in the middle, unfortunately. Here&#39;s what enter an address correctly in Method&nbsp;or in QuickBooks ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-23-2011
  • Issues adding new Items

    Hello, I am trying to add new items within Method and am experiencing a problem: 1. I click New Non Inventory Part 2. I fill out the fields and then click save &amp; close. An message pops up that says &quot;The item could not be sent to quickbooks. You must select an expense account for an item that is selected to have both sales and purchase ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by handcrafted on 02-23-2011
  • Resolve conflicts error

    &nbsp;I am getting the message below in the resolve conflicts log &ndash; What I don&rsquo;t understand is why method is attempting to use the Billing Address 4 field during the sync when it isn&rsquo;t used on the form (and at other times uses Billing Address 3, working fine). This error doesn&rsquo;t occur all the time, even when testing with ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Tracy @SBA on 02-23-2011
  • Re: Estimates and Invoices

    Hi SGilljp, Try changing the image sizing property, by clicking on the image and then clicking &gt; (should show up after the image is selected) and changing Image Sizing to Auto-Size.&nbsp; If you are still having issues can you give me details of what exactly you did to change the logo? -Michael&nbsp;
  • Re: Estimates and Invoices

    I customized the Simple Invoice and added my logo, but the logo is not appearing. &nbsp;I even added a box around it, and the box shows up but no logo. I&#39;m tearing my hair out (which I don&#39;t have enough of to begin with). &nbsp;What might I be doing wrong?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by SGilljp on 02-23-2011
  • Re: Transaction Screen

    Matlow99, The screen you are looking for is called ContactsPortal_Transactions. If you go to Customize &gt; Tabs do you see a Contacts Portal tab listed there? If so, can you click on Edit Tab Links you should see Recent Transactions as a Tab Link Name and it should open screen ContactsPortal_Transactions, if it&#39;s not listed add it and try ...
  • Re: Transaction Screen

    It is an error and it appears when I click &quot;save &amp; email&quot; the pop up says&nbsp; &quot;can&#39;t find the Recent Transactions tab&quot; The error is correct for some reason I don&#39;t have a Recent transactions screen or even a Transactions screen. I don&#39;t know where they disappeared to. &nbsp; So How do I get the Recent ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matlow99 on 02-23-2011
  • Re: Reinstalling Method Integration

    Hi Michelle, It sounds like you need to reset the computer that Method considers the Main Computer or the server computer. To do this login to Method and go to QuickBooks &gt; Synchronize and click Reset for Computer to Sync with and then perform a Full Sync using the Method Integration engine.&nbsp; You may also need to reset your QuickBooks ...
  • Re: New case and your new customer portal

    Hi John, Are you using the new Contacts Portal or the older Customer Portal? Using the new Contacts Portal I was able to create a case and assign it to a customer and then login as that customer (or one of their contacts) to the Portal and view the case. If this is not working for you can you give me details on the steps you are taking? -Michael
  • Re: Web-to-Lead form Header HTML not provided

    &nbsp;Victor, Can you take a quick look at the code and see what we missed on the validation? Thanks! &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;&lt;!-- HTML 5 --&gt; &lt;html dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-US&quot;&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt;test5 | VarZero&lt;/title&gt; &lt;link rel=&quot;shortcut icon&quot; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by k.leeser on 02-23-2011
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