Hi Micheal
Thanks for info. Although a bit cumbersome the advanced search works just fine.
We have a number of jobs/projects with the same company and most times the contacts are the same.
Throughout the CRM there are dropdowns to select a contact.
These dropdowns appear to have the columns "Contact" "CompanyName" "EntityType"
If the contact is associated with both the parent and a job, the ...
Yes, this is possible also but this could be a complex customization.
Yes, this is possible but why wouldn't you just send the statements from QB.
Hi Micheal
If someone is looking for automatically calculated shipping charges, we've already tackled this for another client through customization.
You'll probably need to use a smtp relay service.
Hi Deb
Using a screen that is optimized for a mobile device, an iPad works quite well. However, I haven't tested many other tablet devices.
Is there a setting on the contacts portal that would prevent any contact other than the main contact from seeing the transaction history?
As far as I know there are no action triggering events that occur without someone logging into method.
To accomplish a completely automatic system you would need to create a separate application that uses Method's API. This isn't terribly complicated but does require programming.
What we've done is to create new transaction(s) based on series of conditions from the exisiting data. For example, you could have a series of actions execute in response to an event like a button click. These actions would evaulate your conditions and if your conditions were met, the action set would then build new sales ...