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  • Reinstalling Method Integration

    My old computer crashed and I have had to reinstall Method on my new computer.&nbsp; Once the Engine has downloaded and I gave permissions to QB to allow Method to sync, the Engine stays stuck on:&nbsp; &nbsp; 2/23/2011 1:41:36 PM OnDemand from desktop only mode 2/23/2011 1:21:34 PM OnDemand from desktop only mode 2/23/2011 1:01:32 PM OnDemand ...
  • Re: New case and your new customer portal

    The main reason for creating a case is i have a few customers that want to know what i did at the property each week.&nbsp; I use to leave a work order at the place of business but I would like a way to keep track of the issues.&nbsp; Thats why i thought making a case would work.&nbsp; Any suggestions? Thanks, John M
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-23-2011
  • New case and your new customer portal

    Good Morning, I would think if a costomer can make a new case from the customer portal, that i would be able to create a new case and it would go to the cutomer portal as well.&nbsp; Is this not the case? John M
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-23-2011
  • Re: Formatting text fields

    Andy, I am going to assume you are getting one line on the print preview of your invoice. To fix this select the label that is printing as one line and on the Property Grid (Bottom right of screen by default) look for Multiline and change it to Yes. To insert a section in a report right-click anywhere in the Report and select Insert Band. There ...
  • Re: Formatting text fields

    Also, in Report Designer, I created a copy of SimpleInvoice to work with, how do I add a section right underneath Detail1 where I can add this Notes text field?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 02-23-2011
  • Formatting text fields

    I created a text field within the Invoice screen that has 5 input lines. How do I format the text field so that when I hit enter, it will start a new line? For example, right now when I type this into the field: Testing line one Testing line two I get this: Testing line oneTesting line two Thanks, Andy
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 02-23-2011
  • ProService Update - Feb 23, 2011

    Here are the updates for the Feb 23, 2011 Dashboard: &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Minor cosmetic updates to fonts and help notes on screen. Budgets / Contracts: &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; New Refresh button for the details grid. &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; New reports available under &#39;Print...&#39; for the details section. &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Method_Valbon on 02-23-2011
  • Re: Floating point error?

    This issue should now be fixed. . Alec- Thank you for the screenshots and information. &nbsp; -Michael
  • Re: Sorting vendors by Type

    Mike, The easiest option would be to edit the grid on the Vendor List screen and add the Vendor Type as a column to the grid. Once the column is added you can click on the column&#39;s header to sort it or use the column&#39;s filter to only display certain types. -Michael&nbsp;
  • Re: How to Close an Opportunity

    pdirect, Method considers an opportunity as closed if the stage has the word &quot;closed&quot; in it. The pie chart is currently filtered to only show opportunities with a stage that contains the word closed. You could customize the screen to change this but the easiest option may be to just change your wording to &quot;Opportunity Won ...
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