Hi Paul,
Thanks for your help. I was able to find the dropdown from the list of screens and add/delete options from there.
In regards to designer, I know what you mean. I ran into problems with dragging from the InvoiceLine dataset before and realized it only works if I drag from within the InvoiceLine inside the Invoice dataset. While I was ...
I'm trying to create a new section for vendors similar to Activities called Bids. I've created a new table for Bids but I can't replicate what the Activities table shows, which is a text field called ActivityCompanyName Linked Via the Entity table. How can I create a text field in my bid table that is linked to the Vendor table or is ...
I know how to set the default value on a screen field but can't figure out how to do the same for a grid field. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Scratch that "Which table do you add the field to, the Customer table or the Invoice table?" - I see from the subject that it was the InvoiceLine table!
TIP 1: Make a copy of the original invoice(Product) template and modify that. Don't modify the original.......reason being....even the most experienced report ...
When you create a dropdown field all the values that appear in the list are actually in a different table. When you are in the invoice screen, for example, the Customer dropdown shows you all the customers from the Customer table.
So in your case you created a new dropdown field, I'm guessing, in the Customer table, called say ...
Another thing about these user created fields. How do I get it to show up in Report Designer so that I can incorporate it with the printed version of the invoice?
More specifically, it's a dropdown field that I want to add more options to when I drop down.
I created a new field in the InvoiceLine table. Is it possible to edit this field, or do I need to delete and start over if I want to make changes?
Hi Jonathan,
I’m trying to replicate this in my test account and everything seems to work. I tried calculating OT by both day and view. So, let’s see if I can replicate it using your exact data. Can you please email me the following:
Please walk me through the steps you take in Method as best as you can.
Include screen shots of ...
When trying to calculate overtime (Allocate Overtime by View) I get the following error: "The remote server returned an error (400) bad request".
The first this was noticed was 4:00 pm yesterday and then again at 9:02 am today.
- Jonathan