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  • Re: Basic math

    Hi Caliper, There are different ways to perform basic math using grid columns. You can add actions to each of the grid&rsquo;s columns using events like text change, gain or lose focus as appropriate. The key is to determine what will trigger the actions. For example: If I wanted to calculate column1 + column2 and enter it in column3 it would ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Please Explain Estimate Columns

    Can someone please explain the following columns&nbsp;when creating an estimate? Cost =&nbsp;I&#39;m not sure if this refers to our cost or our retail price&nbsp; % = there is a percentage column with no explanation Markup = ordinarily this would make sense, but see the next option Markup % = how is this differrent from % and Markup&nbsp;in ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Reports: Can you have the total price spelled out?

    Have a look at how we did the Check printout from the Check screen.&nbsp; It&#39;s all done using scripts&nbsp;in the report designer (obviously advanced). It spells out the numbers there. We&#39;ve even had a user in central america alter that script to print checks in spanish :) !! Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-21-2011
  • Reports: Can you have the total price spelled out?

    Good Morning. Is there a way to have the total price worded out?&nbsp; Not sure if thats the correct term.&nbsp; If you have a esimate for 100.00 can I have method spell out: One Hundred Dollars. I want to insert that into a contract. thanks, John M &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Nesting Conditional Statements

    Great!&nbsp; Now I&#39;m really excited. Thanks for confirming this.&nbsp; The screen designer combined with Actions is really an amazing tool to build an inferface.&nbsp; It really keeps the user out of trouble while providing tons of functionality. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Debug Mode for Customizations

    Fantastic.&nbsp; Thanks for explaining both methods. My problem actions are on the QTY text change event which occurs after the actions on my Item text change event.&nbsp; I&#39;ve got a Show Message Action at the end of the action sequence of the Items actions, and a Show Message at the very beginning of the QTY actions.&nbsp; The Item actions ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Web-to-Lead form Header HTML not provided

    &nbsp;Victor, In doing our final testing, there doesn&#39;t seem to be any form validation. For example, the fields identified with asterisks as being required are not really required. And I would like to have the form test to make sure that the email is a valid format.&nbsp; &nbsp; Thanks.
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by k.leeser on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Debug Mode for Customizations

    James and John, I stand corrected, we do have a debugging tool. I simply forgot about it because I&rsquo;m used to the old-fashioned way of doing this but you have both inspired me here.&nbsp; You can find the tool under Customize&gt;&gt;&gt;Display to &ldquo;Enable Debug Tracing&rdquo;. When you run an action with this turned on it should give ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Re: How to set a default value for a grid field

    &nbsp;Thanks Val.&nbsp; Makes perfect sense.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by paulette on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Nesting Conditional Statements

    &nbsp;Hi James, Yes, Method is capable of handling nested conditional statements. Give it a try and I&rsquo;m sure you will find it works as you hope. You are right, the Actions reference guide does not explicitly state that conditional statements can be nested but it also does not state that they cannot be nested. The Actions reference guide is ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
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