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  • Re: Please Explain Estimate Columns

    Hi, We&rsquo;ve labelled &lsquo;Cost&rsquo; and &lsquo;Markup&rsquo; as they appear in the same area of QuickBooks. The only difference is in QuickBooks you can enter values such as &ldquo;50%&rdquo; in the cost column and &ldquo;100%&rdquo; in the Markup column. Where as in Method you have to indicate if the value for cost is a % and if the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Screen Edit Cancel Button

    I think this was brought up before but in another context. For me, I learn by I copy a method screen, such as New Activity, so that I can see what the coding is. However, after I run through a dropdown (vendor, for example), I don&#39;t want to Save &amp; Close the screen because what happens is that it thinks that I made a change and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Geekoid on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Shared Values and Conditional Statements

    &nbsp;James, Glad to see my advice helped you get on your way. I really do think you&rsquo;re better off using lose focus when it comes to columns that are number values. &nbsp; Where are you storing these price levels? I&rsquo;m not sure how your customization is set up but you might be able to avoid the all the conditional statements. The ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Grid Behavior

    Mark, Can you replicate this issue on demand? Is there a particular screen it is happening on more than others? I&rsquo;ll keep my eye out for it...I use FF a lot.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Basic math

    Hi Caliper, There are different ways to perform basic math using grid columns. You can add actions to each of the grid&rsquo;s columns using events like text change, gain or lose focus as appropriate. The key is to determine what will trigger the actions. For example: If I wanted to calculate column1 + column2 and enter it in column3 it would ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Please Explain Estimate Columns

    Can someone please explain the following columns&nbsp;when creating an estimate? Cost =&nbsp;I&#39;m not sure if this refers to our cost or our retail price&nbsp; % = there is a percentage column with no explanation Markup = ordinarily this would make sense, but see the next option Markup % = how is this differrent from % and Markup&nbsp;in ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Reports: Can you have the total price spelled out?

    Have a look at how we did the Check printout from the Check screen.&nbsp; It&#39;s all done using scripts&nbsp;in the report designer (obviously advanced). It spells out the numbers there. We&#39;ve even had a user in central america alter that script to print checks in spanish :) !! Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-21-2011
  • Reports: Can you have the total price spelled out?

    Good Morning. Is there a way to have the total price worded out?&nbsp; Not sure if thats the correct term.&nbsp; If you have a esimate for 100.00 can I have method spell out: One Hundred Dollars. I want to insert that into a contract. thanks, John M &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Nesting Conditional Statements

    Great!&nbsp; Now I&#39;m really excited. Thanks for confirming this.&nbsp; The screen designer combined with Actions is really an amazing tool to build an inferface.&nbsp; It really keeps the user out of trouble while providing tons of functionality. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Debug Mode for Customizations

    Fantastic.&nbsp; Thanks for explaining both methods. My problem actions are on the QTY text change event which occurs after the actions on my Item text change event.&nbsp; I&#39;ve got a Show Message Action at the end of the action sequence of the Items actions, and a Show Message at the very beginning of the QTY actions.&nbsp; The Item actions ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-21-2011
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