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  • Re: Debug Mode for Customizations

    The debugging sounds good to me. I was working on a few actions and was wondering the same thing. Thanks, John M
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-21-2011
  • Re: New field in invoiceline table

    Hi Andy, Adding a new field to a table (in your case Invoice or InvoiceLine) in Method should also make it available on the Report Designer. You might have to close the report and re-open it to see the changes. Maybe that&#39;s why you didn&#39;t see it last night but it worked in the morning? &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Grid Behavior

    I&#39;ve noticed a strange grid behavior as of late.&nbsp; When I save a record (save button) and a grid with a select link refreshes, the grid formating changes.&nbsp; The column with the select link expands and takes up the majority of the grid.&nbsp; Has anyone else experienced this?&nbsp; I&#39;m typically using firefox as a browser.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by LaCrews on 02-21-2011
  • Re: How to set a default value for a grid field

    Hi Paulette, A grid is just a visual representation of the data from the table and by default, the grids are read-only. I assume that you have customized the grid to allow for editing and new entries directly on the grid (steps 5 &amp; 6 of grid properties) and that is why you are asking for a default value. Unlike using fields on the screen, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-21-2011
  • Re: Customize follow up email message

    New questions &amp; issues: I created a new Activity(2) screen and customized the Complete, Save &amp; Close button to include two new Character Function calls for the Contacts and SalesRep tables, so that I can use their fields for merging. (Copied them from the CF call for the Customer table, and inserted just after it in the If/Then sequence.) ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by TogsTeam on 02-20-2011
  • Nesting Conditional Statements

    Can conditional statements be nested like typical If, Then, ElseIf, Else logic?&nbsp; For example two Start conditional logic statements in row followed by two End conditional statements to create a nested logic. Or, must any Start conditional statement be followed by it&#39;s End statement? The Actions guide is vague on this point of usage and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-20-2011
  • Debug Mode for Customizations

    Is there a debug mode or logging mode to help troubleshoot problems with Actions? I have an action sequence kicked off by a text change event and nothing is happening.&nbsp; I&#39;ve added a Message to the beginning of the Action Sequence to see if any of the sequence is getting kicked off, but the message is not showing. This is being used in ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-20-2011
  • Shared Values and Conditional Statements

    &nbsp; I am creating some logic on the Sales Order screen to automatically calculate pricing based on the line item Quantity.&nbsp; I am using Text Change events on both the Item field and the Quantity field.&nbsp; The idea is to update all of the pricing data when the Item changes and then calculate the pricing whenever the Quantity ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jnoneiliv1 on 02-20-2011
  • Re: New Vendor Section Problem

    Thanks Paul...especially on the weekend ~ awesome support! Now, when I see that screen again creating a dropdown that you had mentioned, I will know exactly what it means.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Geekoid on 02-19-2011
  • Re: New Vendor Section Problem

    Brett - You&#39;re good to go.&nbsp; It wasn&#39;t the problem I thought it was.&nbsp; It was simply that when you created the dropdown you selected &quot;RecordID&quot; as the display field instead of &quot;FullName&quot;. This was in the original Tables/Fields setup, long before you got to designing your Bids screen.&nbsp;&nbsp; So in the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-19-2011
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