The Generate Report action is what calls and displays reports. The Generate Report action also lets you select filters on what data is going to be reports on. Currently there is no statement report in Method but one can be created using the Method Report designer. If you look at this forum post, it goes over some of the concepts of ...
Does the same thing happen on the default Estimate screen? Which fields are you filling out in the EstimateLine grid.
This can be done through customization. You would need to add a drop down list to the screen that references the ReportMethod table and display ReportName as the 1st Column. You would need to filter the drop down by MasterTable = Activity (This would ensure that only relevant templates are displayed). Once the drop down is created the next ...
Matt -
The DueDate is just coming from the DueDate field of the statement charge. All statement charges ("Charge" table in Method) have the ability to have a Due Date entered and this is what the portal is showing.
If instead you want it to pull a field from the Customer screen that you are arbitraily setting, that's a ...
I would like the customer to be able to print their current statement or
just view it in PDF format. Also I would like to be able to customize
the design and layout of the statement/invoice to match my company
What events do I need to add to a print button so that it pulls account information from a transactions table and displays it ...
I see the due date field as a choice to be added to the portal home and transactions screen. However, I may not understand how it works. the field offers me a calander to choose a date from. I am looking for a field that will pull the due date of the customer account from quickbooks.
I think you understand what it is that I am looking to ...
I have been getting this message today on various items I enter in my quote screen when I click update. There is not a blank or invalid value.
Any ideas?
Hi Jonathan,
Can you please give this another test on your end and let us know if what you were describing is still happening.
We have set up a couple of custom Work Orders in the system using a data set of custom fields that we have added. When we select a Work Order and choose Print, it automatically generates the default Work Order.
Is there a way to remove the default so that when we print a WO, we can choose from a list of available WO's?
Thank ...
Perfect! Thats all we need it to do.
Thank you