Method reports can pull any information that you have entered into method. You won't have to re-enter anything .
Good Morning,
Was thinking of a idea for inventory and barcodes came to mind. I use to have a program that took the data, like item data, and conveted it to a barcode. I was wondering if this would be a issue with Method.
The idea is to have a rugged PDA with barcode reader on it. When the tech needed to enter parts, they ...
When you create a series it creates all the activities for each occurrence but it does not copy the job items (They are found in a separate table ActivityJobItems). When you edit an occurrence you should see a button labelled Copy Job Items from series which copies all the Job Items from the Series activity. Most user change the job items ...
Normally with buttons you would place them all the same cell (clump them together) by default buttons have the Keep this side-by-side other object in the same cell property checked (This can be found under the Formatting section when editing buttons/field/etc...). When the fields are in the same cell changing the cell span of a field ...
Hi Ken,
I am working on it right now and I will respond as soon as possible.
Sorry for the wait.
Hi Victor,
Did you have a chance to look at my secondary issue?
Good Morning,
I was wondering if your Method program uses the .NET? I seem to have Microsoft .NET 1 - 4 on my laptop. Need the space on my HD. Thanks, John M
Try to customize a Estimate screen, I would like to perform some basic calculations within the estimate line grid.
How do you perform calculations within the estimate line grid?
Thank you,
Basic knowledge, 1 month user