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  • Re: Printing Sales Oppertunities

    IF i were to build the report with report designer, Will i be able to print from the sales oppertunities screen, or Do I have to re-enter all the information?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Caliper on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Activity being created when Work Order Created

    &nbsp;Michael, sorry but this one just hasn&#39;t stuck yet. So, in the series activity, when we choose a job item and add it to the series, i notice that when you open one of the occurences of that series, the job item is not there. Why does it not copy the job items from the series into each occurence? &nbsp; Bryan
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by handcrafted on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Contacts Portal_ Receive Payment

    Matt - The way the ContactsPortal_ReceivePayment screen works is it is opened from another screen which writes SharedResults first.&nbsp; When the ContactsPortal_ReceivePayment opens it looks for those SharedResults and if it doesn&#39;t find them, it bails and goes to ContactsPortal_Home as a reset.&nbsp; It&#39;s more complicated a screen ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Button1 in Vendor Grid

    Brett - thanks for pointing that out to us. The new Vendor List screen is due to be pushed out in the next few days with the new Activities grid, so we&#39;ll get that Button1 fixed up while we are at it. Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Editing screens

    To be a little more specific. I added a button for &quot;print packing list&quot; and I want it to sit in the same row as the other buttons at the bottom of the page such as save, print preview, save/new, etc. Also, when I start moving the other fields down, some of them get &quot;clumped together&quot; vertically so that when I expand them or ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Editing screens

    Is there a webinar that goes into detail on formatting screens, particularly dragging and dropping without distorting the fields? I&#39;m having trouble moving things around without messing up the look and feel of the page. I guess I&#39;m just not yet familiar with how it&#39;s supposed to work. Is there an undo button (something like ctrl + z) ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 02-11-2011
  • Button1 in Vendor Grid

    Hello, This is just an FYI. There is a non-functional &quot;Button1&quot; in the Existing Vendors grid of the Vendor List screen. I noticed this when I copied it. Thanks, Brett &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Geekoid on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Web-to-Lead form Header HTML not provided

    I think the header is working fine but we are not successfully connecting to Method. We are running the test in a test environment. You can see the page @ I added to the list of referring sites in the form customization. On send we get an error: &quot;We couldn&#39;t ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by k.leeser on 02-11-2011
  • Re: Web-to-Lead form Header HTML not provided

    Hi, WebForms is usually just a part of the a larger web page, and for that reason it does not generate the header portion. Instead, we have used a meta tag &lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=&quot;Content-type&quot; CONTENT=&quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot;&gt;, which is accepted by all common browsers and can be used instead of the &lt;HEAD&gt; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Victor on 02-11-2011
  • Web-to-Lead form Header HTML not provided

    When I generate the Web-to-Lead form Method is displaying the Body HTML but not the Header HTML. How do I generate the Header HTML?
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by k.leeser on 02-11-2011
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