Hi Ken,
I am working on it right now and I will respond as soon as possible.
Sorry for the wait.
Hi Victor,
Did you have a chance to look at my secondary issue?
Good Morning,
I was wondering if your Method program uses the .NET? I seem to have Microsoft .NET 1 - 4 on my laptop. Need the space on my HD. Thanks, John M
Try to customize a Estimate screen, I would like to perform some basic calculations within the estimate line grid.
How do you perform calculations within the estimate line grid?
Thank you,
Basic knowledge, 1 month user
IF i were to build the report with report designer, Will i be able to print from the sales oppertunities screen, or Do I have to re-enter all the information?
sorry but this one just hasn't stuck yet.
So, in the series activity, when we choose a job item and add it to the series, i notice that when you open one of the occurences of that series, the job item is not there. Why does it not copy the job items from the series into each occurence?
Matt -
The way the ContactsPortal_ReceivePayment screen works is it is opened from another screen which writes SharedResults first. When the ContactsPortal_ReceivePayment opens it looks for those SharedResults and if it doesn't find them, it bails and goes to ContactsPortal_Home as a reset.
It's more complicated a screen ...
Brett - thanks for pointing that out to us.
The new Vendor List screen is due to be pushed out in the next few days with the new Activities grid, so we'll get that Button1 fixed up while we are at it.
To be a little more specific. I added a button for "print packing list" and I want it to sit in the same row as the other buttons at the bottom of the page such as save, print preview, save/new, etc. Also, when I start moving the other fields down, some of them get "clumped together" vertically so that when I expand them or ...