OK, so how do I change the email address used to send the email? I have already setup my server settings and am able to send other emails fine through method.
Is there a different "from" email address used in the send payment screen?
This error comes up when the sending email part of receiving a payment fails. Based on the error it seems that the email address being used to send the email was not authenticated.
If you click on the Route drop down list you should see an option to <Add New> you can also click on the ... button next to the drop down arrow. Either of those options should allow you to add new entries.
I am starting to use the receive payment screen in method now instead of QB. The first time i tried, I got this error message:
Error^Action Sequence:83. Error with sending sender;Server says: 553 From address not verified - see
Please advise what this is and ...
Hey Michael,
I see the Route under the Additional Settings tab, but where do the items for this drop-down get added? I can't seem to find it anywhere because then I could use that as my sort/filter critieria to generate my Route List.
That is a good suggestion to make files easier to locate and download. I can see something like this being added to our site. Thanks for the suggestion.
Any Work Order you create is also an activity. When you create a recurring work order it will create all the occurrence activities plus a series activity. So if you are creating a monthly recurring work order for the year it will create 12 occurrences plus 1 series, for a total of 13 activities. By default when you create a series ...
Suggestion to Method:
Please create a downloads section from your site that houses ALL of your downloads such as the integration engine, outlook integration, report designer, etc. It makes sense that these would be in the app library, but they're not. And I spend so much time trying to search through all the blog and ...
Based on the screenshot you sent me you are using Method CRM and the Inventory Item screen is slightly different then the Method Full Blown Inventory Item screen. In this case you will need to edit the screen and add the field you are looking for.
Hi Michael,
Im still a little confused on this one. So, you are saying that when a recurring series work order is created, that the first occurence has a 'work order' and an 'activity'? If so, I'm not sure why it does this. The 'activity' that it creates as a duplicate on the first occurence will then show up as ...