Hi there,
If you have purchased through QXpress it probably means you are using QXpress Online. You’ll need to post questions relating to QXpress solutions on the QXpress company forums.
Don’t worry you can probably just copy and paste this post on their site. This is really the best ...
Hi Andy,
Currently there is not default template for printing Packing Lists. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You can use the Method Report Designer to create a shipping/packing slip. Some past suggestions have been to modify the existing Invoice report and simply add/remove some fields.
Feel free to reference our ...
Is there a way to add attachments to a customer's record?
Is there a way to filter the customer list (or search) by the customer "type"
field found in QuickBooks? If so, how?
It would be simpler and make more sense if you had Method setup similar to other CRM systems we've used (such as Microsoft CRM) where you can assign users and/or roles "View, Edit, Delete" privileges. What a hassle to go through all these steps for something simple as this.
Forcing users to go through an unusual method of doing something never works as far as adoption. Most users would never think to go to "advanced search" to create a new lead. There is no logic in that.
No I can try and instruct our users to do that, but it's just one more hoop they have to jump through and they ...
Andy - once you add a term and it goes to QuickBooks, it really is no different from a term you added directly in QuickBooks. Neither QuickBooks nor Method treats it any differently.
However, the one exception is more complicated. If you add a term in Method, but it hasn't synced to QuickBooks yet, you can still edit ...
Michael, the Compatibility View was the cause. I added Method Integration to it and I now see the full screen. IE settings sometimes changes all by itself and thats what seems to have happened this time. Problem solved. Thank you.
Hi, I'd like to change what our invoices look like when we print them out. I'm in Method's report designer and I'm using SimpleInvoice as my starting point for editing. I've created a new screen Invoice(2) where the print preview button is set to launch my new invoice design titled SimpleInvoice(2). Some things aren't ...
I purchased this software through QXpress and have had a difficult time getting basic questions answered without having to pay $125 per hour. I'm hoping someone on here could help me.
Question 1: I would like to add the customer phone number and item description to my work orders. I am only able to add the company ...