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  • Re: Limit Users from Editing Items

    &nbsp;I want them to use items on transactions, but I don&#39;t want them to edit/delete the items on the items list.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-04-2011
  • Re: Limit Users from Editing Items

    pdirect, What exactly are you trying to limit them from doing? Are you trying to stop them from removing/editing items as whole or removing/editing items from invoices/estimates/etc...? . -Michael
  • Re: Limit Users from Editing Items

    Thanks.&nbsp; I know I can limit what a user sees, but in my original post I said I did not want to limit what they SEE . . . I want to limit what they DO.&nbsp; So your suggestion helps with the delete&nbsp;option, but&nbsp;doesn&#39;t&nbsp;fix the problem of editing an item.&nbsp; Anyone else know about this? &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-04-2011
  • Re: Sales Order Sync.

    RebeccaCA, I would check to make sure that the Sales Order that are not syncing over have Waiting For Sync Approval? unchecked and that they are not showing up in the conflicts (QuickBooks &gt; Resolve Conflicts). -Michael&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Michael on 02-04-2011
  • Re: Limit Users from Editing Items

    pdirect, In Method you can limit which Tabs a user can see, if you don&#39;t want to them to be able to edit or delete items them from the item list you can either not give them access to the Tab where the items screen exists or remove the Go To or Delete columns from the grid. -Michael
  • Sales Order Sync.

    Only some of the Sales Orders being enetered into Method by our sales rep are syncing.&nbsp; Why could thgis be? &nbsp; I ran a manual full sync to see if it would catch the missing SOs but it only caught one.&nbsp;&nbsp; Please help!!! &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by RebeccaCA on 02-04-2011
  • Limit Users from Editing Items

    I want users to be able to see&nbsp;items (i.e. inventory items list) and interact&nbsp;with items (i.e. create orders), but I would like to keep them from editing the pricing, deleting an item, etc.&nbsp; Is this combination possible and if so how? &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-04-2011
  • Re: Restoring screens

    Got it. Thanks Michael!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 02-03-2011
  • Re: Methods API response time

    Dave - There is no&nbsp;limit we impose on the size of a dataset. We do not have any benchmark tests to share.&nbsp; The time it takes to download a dataset will depend&nbsp;mostly on your ISPs&nbsp;downstream bandwidth.&nbsp;Best practice is return as little as is needed.&nbsp; So limit the records and the columns to only what your use case ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-03-2011
  • Methods API response time

    &nbsp;I have a question about using the MethodsAPI. Can you tell me what type of response time I should see when i query a methods table like the transaction table. I understand that the returned XML dataset response time will be based on the amount of data I request (number of records and fields requested and other factors).. Example: if in a ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by DaveS on 02-03-2011
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