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  • Suggestion: Allow for First and Last Name in User Setup

    It would be nice if you would&nbsp;allow first and last name to be added to the user account and then use those names in the&nbsp;dropdown boxes and other displays in Method.&nbsp; For example, if I&#39;m setting up John Smith, we usually would set that up as jsmith. But then&nbsp;in the dropdown boxes and in the screens, not everyone easily ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 12-13-2010
  • Re: What Permissions Are Needed for Outlook Integration?

    I guess I&#39;m confused as to what these permissions actually do.&nbsp; Does this allow them to just add and edit activities or does this allow them the ability to actually add new fields and edit field names for the activities form?&nbsp; If this just allows them to add activities, the term &quot;add fields&quot; is confusing because it sounds ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 12-13-2010
  • Customer Screen Filters

    On the Main Customer Screen I would like to add a filter criteria that excludes leads that are lead status.&nbsp; I&#39;m trying to set a cretia of isleadstatusonly not equal to yes.&nbsp; It keeps defulting back to is equal to&nbsp;no.&nbsp; The problem with this is that Customers entered directly in QBs do not have the field populated with a yes ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by hmsrpm on 12-11-2010
  • Can't Synch

    I&#39;m new user. When first installed I couldn&#39;t et it to synch. A method support rep fjnally got to work-he removed the permission to run something as an administrator but I forget where. Thing worked good for about a week then it quit synching. I didn&#39;t notice and I created alot of work orders and invoice which are not in QB. When I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by t.wigfield on 12-11-2010
  • Time Tracking $ Amount

    I added a couple of Time Tracking records to a Budget / Contract. I set the Billable Status to NotBillable, but the Amount column (in the Time Tracking Tab) is still multiplying the duration x Bill Rate. Also, how is PS supposed to handle the Billable Status for service items that are setup as a fixed price? If I mark the Billable Status as ...
  • Re: Adding Fields to a Table

    &nbsp;The Customize-&gt;Tables/Fields-&gt;Edit Fields, is exactly what I&#39;m doing.&nbsp; However the window is closing everytime I click &quot;add field&quot;.&nbsp; I am adding fields to a new table I created, but I won&#39;t think that should make a difference.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by hmsrpm on 12-11-2010
  • Opportunity "Name" added to Activity Screen

    I have created an Activity(2) screen and would like to pull in the Opportunity Name.&nbsp; Can you give some direction on that.&nbsp; The Opportunity Number is there, along with Client and Contact, Contact phone etc.&nbsp; I can click on the Opp # and go to the Opp from the Activity, but our sales team would like one Activity Screen that shows ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by bill bemus on 12-10-2010
  • Re: Complete Copy

    &nbsp;Hi Heather, The &quot;Copy / Import Screen..&quot;&nbsp;does carry over your tables and added fields, the structure and screens will work exactly the same was they did before minus the data. Regards, Denis
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 12-10-2010
  • Re: Adding Fields to a Table

    &nbsp;Hi Heather, If you&#39;re in Customize-&gt;Tables/Fields-&gt;Edit Fields, then you should be able to add multiple fields without having the window close.&nbsp; It should only close when you click &quot;Finished editing fields.&quot; Is this not the case for you? Thanks, Wayne
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Wayne on 12-10-2010
  • Re: Sales Order to Invoice Feature - Modify Invoice Screen?

    That certainly did the trick.&nbsp; Thank you!!&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Tricia on 12-10-2010
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