Just to update this thread, in this scenario the LineTotal column is the Amount field in the EstimateLine table and the value for that field is calculated based on the Quantity, Rate and MarkupRate fields. Amount is the final amount for each line item therefore you can change the Amount value but unless you modify the other field's ...
Also a quick note, we would need to charge you at least half an hour of consulting time for a customization of this nature. Mike will be able to provide further clarification.
What is the best way to limit access to Method by endusers? I have ~200 companies that I want to provide access to for a salesperson leaving the remaining companies unaccessable. Alternatively, is there a way to limit access by area code?
Also, if I only want Method to sync in one direction (ie end users can not make changes that ...
Hi Terry,
It is certainly possible to do this with Method, what you have to do is create a field of attachment type on the screen and in the table that you wish to store these attachments, and modify the "send to email" action to retrieve the attachment from it using the "retrieve from session" by RecordID option. One ...
Hi Victor,
Thanks for the response.
Would it be possible to get this functionality added to the API?
I just noticed today that there is an Installed Application List result that you can get from the Value From Session which is exactly what I am looking for, but accessible from the API.
Hi Matt,
Unfortunately right now, MethodAPI doesn't provide users a functionality to check what Method Apps are installed on the account.
You can try to use MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2 call to check which Apps are installed, however the solution will be extremely unreliable. The way you will check is by looking if a screen that is used in a ...
Hi Denis,
Thanks for your post. I tried what you recommended but the custom field is not being populated in Method. I resynched with QB but nothing is coming up. Please advise or provide any other suggestions.
Hi Heather,
Your Method Account is tied specifically to one QB database at a time. You can always use the "Copy / Import Screen..." to copy from an existing Method account to a new one, however to do this you would need to simultaneously have two Method accounts registered with us - one to copy from, and other to import into. *Note: ...
[quote user="pdirect"]
Thanks, but it seems it would make more sense to make this available in a "downloads" or "applications" section instead of a forum.
It's also located under Customize > Integration Tools > Email/Calendar Integration within Method itself. That will ...
Thanks, but it seems it would make more sense to make this available in a "downloads" or "applications" section instead of a forum.