Really? Which browser are you using and which screen/tab are you clicking on? I just tested out logging into your account in FireFox and Internet Explorer 8.0 and it appeared perfectly fine.
Keep in mind that if you're using IE8, you'll need to go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings and check the ...
Actually, now all of our Method pages are showing up in tiny 2 inch windows (vertically) and we need to scroll vertically to see the entire window.
[quote user="pdirect"]
Ok, done. Also, as a side note, the notification emails for updates to this forum have a REALLY LARGE FONT at the beginning of each email . . . so big I can't even read it. If I scroll all the way down, I see the post in normal font.
Update for you - the issue has now ...
Thank you for sending in that information. We were able to login to your account and see the issue. We will reply back to you as soon as we have an answer and solution. In the mean time, feel free to connect to QuickBooks as it shouldn't affect the dashboard screen.
Regarding the emails, did you perhaps copy ...
Ok, done. Also, as a side note, the notification emails for updates to this forum have a REALLY LARGE FONT at the beginning of each email . . . so big I can't even read it. If I scroll all the way down, I see the post in normal font.
Hi Tricia,
Thank you for your patience, we wanted to address your question regarding your invoice screen.
In order to get the desired result, you would have to select the following options in the Go To Screen action:
Screens: *Name of your custom invoice screen*
The Screen: Has a specified Active Record ID
Specify Record ID: Action Result ...
Just wanted to elaborate on my post from yesterday, to do this, you would have to create two text boxes, a button, and a mapping object. Then, using a character function, you would combine the first and second action results into a third line-break separated action result, which Google maps will recognize as two address points. Then ...
Hi Heather,
Kindly note that although you are not able to use zip codes alone, inputting an address into a field(s), and creating a button with a series of actions to capture the value of the addresses with the plot addresses function would enable you to do this.
As a reference point, if you have Method Full-blown edition, you can look at ...
Sounds like something isn't working properly in your account for that screen. Can you please enable the Method Support user in your account? This can be done by going to:
Customize > Users.
Check the checkbox for "Active" for Method Support.
Once that is done, please email into ...