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  • Re: Automatic Syncing?

    That&#39;s too bad. &nbsp;Thats about the only suggestion I have at this point! &nbsp;It would be priceless for the guys at the shop to be able to update everyone&#39;s activities and have them automatically reflected on the calendars of the techs. In addition - direct communication with Exchange would be stellar - especially for us MSPs who ...
  • Time Tracking

    Have a problem with Time Tracking in method, it is not carrying over to Quick Books. [The error was: There was an error when saving a Time Tracking. Quick Books error message: Billable activities must have a customer:job and service item.] These fields were filled in. Time Tracking was posting up until the 3rd of November. We are connecting to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.valese on 11-11-2010
  • Re: Calendar views for Dispatcher

    Hi Beth, Regarding the Calendar view, in principle Method has two ways; the first one involves editing the filter on the left of the calendar to show as many users as you like within the single calendar view. However, if you have many users, this view will quickly become crowded with many items. The second option involves creating a new ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-11-2010
  • Re: Automatic Syncing?

    Hi Justin, Unfortunately Method Outlook Plug-In v2 does not have &quot;Auto Sync&quot; feature. You do need to manually click Synchronize button in order for your Outlook calendar to get updated. We will however look into implementing this feature in the future versions of Method Outlook Plug-In. Thank you Victor
  • Re: Opportunities - add additional contact information

    &nbsp;Hi Matt If I click on the Customer name in the grid I get a page with the tab headers - but otherwise the page is blank. Any thougths. Windows 7, ie 8 working in fallback mode Havefun Mike
  • Automatic Syncing?

    When we update data within Method used the web-based side,&nbsp;I&#39;d like&nbsp;for the updates to replicate instantly into Outlook which will then&nbsp;automatically update my iPhone&#39;s Calendar (we use&nbsp;Exchange.)&nbsp; Am I missing the check box&nbsp;for &quot;Auto Sync&quot; or is this not a feature yet? Thanks! Justin&nbsp;
  • Re: problem (date change) entering employee time

    Hi Folks, Dave - thanks for the workaround! We did experience an issue related to the time change this past weekend which may have affected some of the customer records.&nbsp;The issue was promptly resolved on Monday&nbsp;with our developers, however should you find that you are still&nbsp;experiencing issues with incorrect time, kindly let us ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-10-2010
  • Re: Leased Premises ,... tables

    &nbsp;Hello, A Leased Premises table is not a table that by&nbsp;default exists in Method. However, depending on how this information is set-up in Quickbooks, it may appear in a table that Method does extract from Quickbooks, such as the &quot;customers&quot; table. You may then create a custom screen that displays a table with this specific ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-10-2010
  • Re: Opportunities - add additional contact information

    Mike, In the opportunities grid, you will notice that the customer Name column has the customer name in green. Click on the customer name that you would like to update and that should take you to their record on the customer list screen where you can update their information. Hope that is what you are looking for.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 11-10-2010
  • Opportunities - add additional contact information

    &nbsp;Hi there I&#39;ve been caught by this several times. I enter info into an opportunity and then later get more contact information. There is no apparent way to add that information - please see this screen reccording Let me know your thoughts. &nbsp; Havefun &nbsp; Mike
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