Hello Michael,
I believe I know the reason why you are receiving this error, but to make sure, can you tell me if you ever added opportunities in Method up to now? If not, this might be a reason why you are receiving this error. As a temporary workaround, before we fix this bug this is what you can do:
Go to main method website
Click Sales ...
I'm posting this on behalf of Brandon Smith. Thanks.
- How does customer name differ from company name when we don’t use people’s names as customers?
- I noticed a few ...
I receive this error message when creating a Web Form.
is set to be a required field, but it doesn't have a single available
option. Please make a non required field or delete in from the grid.
is set to be a required field, but it doesn't have a single available
option. Please make a ...
Hi jtecdistributioninc,
Thanks for your post. In order to figure out what we can do to help, we need to know what screen, tab, and tab link you are attempting to access.
What may be helpful if you are working on a custom screen or a copy of an original screen, (not one of the default screens provided with Method) is to ...
This is fixed, thanks.
This thread can be deleted as there isn't anything helpful for someone else, importing a large amount of records is just a bit tricky.
Hi Danny,
I tried your suggestion and it worked for using an email template in List Builder. Would you please add that to the explanation for "What are merge fields" under "Add/Edit Email Template" or in List Builder itself? The Add/Edit Email Template page is where webinar #10 on List Builder tells us to change ...
I think the import files should be clean going forward. Even forcing Excel to use all Text data time, saving to a CSV file, and inspecting the file using notepad, the import tool was reporting some Hex value data improperly in the file.
I'm sure you have a better way to diagnose, but my guess is that the import tool is hung on a couple of corrupt, or at least corrupt for the import tool files and the import temp file queue or import buffers just need to be reset or cleared.
Hey jnoneiliv1,
We are currently looking into this and will post an update when we have more details.
Hi RuggedNoteBooks,
If you'd like to see the total of the group items next to the group then you'll have to follow the 1st customization option Paul provided above. As he noted, this is not optimal, due to the limitation of the built-in Method screens, but it is an alternative that could work.
With regards to hiding the group items on a ...