Carol - right click on the designer screen and choose Show Summary.
Happy friday.
Kieran - we're still testing it internally, and cleaning up the workflow, so it looks like early May instead of late April for the start of the beta.
But not to leave you's a preview of how it looks after you get an email from someone you know (edited slightly to remove some sensitive info).
By the way, if you are ever ...
It's super easy. But no's just If...Then.
Conditional Start: If Month equals April then
Conditional Start: If Today equals Monday Then
Show Message "Sorry, to hear you're having a bad day"
Your account manager. Their name and email should be in your "Welcome to Method" email.
Nick - once you switch the file in QB, the Method Engine hears the switch and automatically switch to the Method account it is paired with. It's pretty seemless. You can install the Method Engine on all computers, and ask us to turn on "Roaming" on your accounts, which allows a non-constant computer name as the main ...
Nick -
1) There are other companies doing this, but not on a large scale. It was part of the original business model for Method - we just haven't emphasized it.
2) Yes. When QB is closed you are inserting, updating and viewed cached data from QuickBooks. As soon as QB is open and connected to the sync engine, all changes get updated, ...
Marc - very interesting. This is an undocumented account type (nowhere in the QB developer docs), something we've honestly never seen before.
Not to worry, we added that account type to your account. Can you try again and see if it gets past that point?
And thank you for supplying the information you did. It was ...
Updated Method Integration Engine for QuickBooks Desktop
The following minor update is now available on the version 1.0.203 of the Method Integration Engine.
Display on re-open - We made a minor user-experience update. Previously if the Method Integration Engine was open, and minimized, it would not display if you went to Start > ...
Don't be embarrassed. It's on us - we should have made that more obvious, and saved you the frustration.
I would go nuts when customzing if I didn't have the ability to move the 50th action to the 2nd spot without a simple edit and tab!
Did you know you can just type overtop of the number in the list?