Yes , on the stock screen, once you create a case, you also get a copy of the email notification of the created case. And as you mentioned that you have a virtual email for ADMIN, so that could be the reason it is forwarding the email to you again.
Hello Mahlon,
Can I please get more info?
the Account
the MethodID Email
the screen and also version
the action he was editing (button? screen load?) was a loose focus for which control?
Hello pookiefeb,
You can achieve this by using the Tag feature . This will help you to label or categorized the records. Tags are more powerful than a traditional category dropdown field because you can assign multiple tags to the same record.
You can also achieve this by adding a dropdown field to the screen. In the ...
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for your feedback, I will pass this feedback to our product team for future development.
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for your feedback, I will pass this feedback to our product team for future development.
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for your feedback, I will pass this feedback to our product team for future development.
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for your feedback, I will pass this feedback to our product team for future development.
Hello Mahlon,
So far if you are creating something New All together like a New Item or New Invoice we are calling those "New / Edit"(New / Edit Invoice.
If you are adding an items to something like a line item to an invoice it is "Add / Edit"(Add / Edit Item).
The reason why estimate has New / Edit Estimate and ...
Hello bergyver,
Here's my answer. If you are unable to log in to one of your added user. You can try the Forgot Password option for that user and enter the email address for that user, it will send you a link on users email address to create new password.
Secondly , there is a difference between the Method Id email address and ...
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for reporting the issue. I have created ticket for this issue, seems like it is related to issue mentioned by you in other post.