We're happy to announce that "Method Web Forms" are now in beta. We unveiled this to Method Solution Providers at the Intuit Solution Provider Summit in Los Angeles last week.
What is a Web Form? Read all about what a web form is, and about this new feature release on the ...
Gregory - I'll also offer another solution to this... You could also add a new screen and put a grid showing the customers in the grid. Instead of using the list builder, use the first row of the grid to filter the customers you'd like to show in the export. (You'll just have to ensure that all the fields you want to filter ...
My account e-mail settings are set as follows:
server address =
user name =
password = (my gmail account password)
SSL = No
Then I do the following:
I populate the Current List in Listbuilder with all of my customers
I apply a column filiter in the Current List so that only 5 customers are shown
I ...
Hi Gregory,
It is not abnormal to wait that amount of time for the list to be populated, given the number of customers you are going through. The reason it takes that long is because the list builder is inserting all the customers that match your criteria into the list builder table. If this table was already populated then we ...
Hey Gregory,
I tested this out and got the same results, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will update this post when it's been corrected.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for reply, we currently using Quick Books Premier 2010 and update to the latest version. and I think few client was created before and 2 has been created recently. and it is mess up after I click save, then refresh and select again. and it is not only mess up in customer list, but also in sales order's billing address. and it ...
RuggedNotebooks -
I'll add a little more to this too. This is a limitation of the built-in method screens that they don't do this automatically. I think they could in the future, but right now it's a bit of a technical challenge to do it just like QuickBooks on our Method grids.
You have two options for customization:
1. ...
Welcome to our forum! Once you add the Group Item, update your grid and click on Save, the estimate then goes into QuickBooks (provided your QuickBooks is opened). Once this estimate syncs with QuickBooks you can then select the estimate in Method and you'll be able to see the Inventory items in that group and their costs ...
Hi Matt,
We have fixed Method API code and now you shouldn't no longer get these "SQL Injection" messages.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you