I understand that Method has two approved hosting partners, Right Networks and InsynQ. My client has already set up his QB in a hosting environement with a different network.
I need to be able to explain to my client why only Right Networks and InsynQ are approved, why others are not, and what will happen if they try to ...
I am using the API to do an insert and I received the following error: Failure. There may be a possible sql injection, please verify your parameters.
I've never seen this error before. Do you have any insight as to what may be causing this?
Hi Mike,
The webinar link is included under the Announcements and FAQs post for the Professional Services Beta Forum. I’ve also included the link below for easy access.
Hey Wendy,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm still looking into this and hope to have an update for you soon.
That field was originally IsWaitingForSyncApproval, but when it was dragged on the screen, the caption was changed. In the back-end we are looking for IsWaitingForSyncApproval, and we do all the work automatically (i.e. no need for special actions for you for this field).
You can see that the field is tied to ...
OK, I do see it there, sorry. But what makes this field special? I doesn't seem to be tied to a special field. Can I add a normal check box on any screen and just name the caption "Wait for Sync Approval?" and it will work? If so, this means that Method is looking for that exact wording in the caption? ...
Hmmm.........should be there.
Maybe it's already on the screen? Do you see a checkbox on the invoice screen already as "Wait for Sync Approval?"? That uses the IsWaitingForSyncApproval field.
I don't see this field in the field list or the object list. How do I add this field to the list?
Just put the IsWaitingForSyncApproval field on the screen. This is exactly what you are looking for. If the invoice has checkbox in this field it won't go to QuickBooks.
I think you should be able to default it to be checked, and default it to be hidden, so that the customer can't see it, but it gets set ...
I want to allow my customer to place an order through the Customer Portal, then have that order held for approval before becoming an invoice. I've copied the Invoice screen to my portal tab already. Do I need to create a duplicate table to hold all the information, then upon approval move it to the invoice table, or is there some ...