Diane -
Just wanted to let you know that this has been resolved along with a number of other fixes and new features with the latest big update. See other highlights of the update here:
In terms of what the problem was - the times were being displayed in "UTC" time, which is pretty much greenwich mean time, ...
Seny - yeah, that makes sense. There is no "Customer" field in the Customer table. Only "FullName".
I'm guessing you were using an Advanced script, rather than what is built in with the dropdown lists. When you do that be extra careful to match your fields with what is under Customize > Tables / ...
Oops, looks like I misspoke on the final item - you are putting the contact name on address2. Was this a change in the new version? I could swear it didin't work this this morning.
Thanks Ryan
I'll probaly wear you out on this, but:
It looks like if there is no middle initial in the OL contact, then you are putting the first name initial together with the last name initial into "M.I." field for the new customer record. (if there is a middle initial or name in the OL contact, then you are putting the ...
I found out the problem was due to the Where clause.
I can NOT use where Customer='whatever', instead, I have to use FullName='TheValue'
No need to reply, just to let other people keep this in mind.
Can not retrieve value from Customer Table.
What is wrong with Customer Table?
Hey Haident.
We have updated the Outlook Plug-in and updated the logic behind this portion of the Plug-in. Check out the link below to get the most up to date version.
Hi Brian,
Thanks for the info. Can you email me your account name? My email is Thanks!
Forget about this,
I found out it is the Customer Table causing the problem, not the field.
Hi Amanda,
I am calling a webservice on our server. I am sending the username/password along with method's session variable.
The login screen is our first "tab" in our application. This is shown to the user before the other tabs become available. The update table is during the process that happens when the user clicks the ...