Just want to add; a simple alternative if you are just looking to export a list would be to use the Import/Export tool. You can find this under Customize > Integration Tools. If you haven't used this tool before, you can view webinar 28, by using the following link: ...
Hello Mike,
I tried running the List Builder and it worked pretty quickly. Do you have a lot of Customers that it needs to loop through? Before you go to 'Fill List With...' tab section, go to 'Current List' and remove all records that are listed so the grid is empty and ready to be filled. Then you go to 'Fill List ...
Hi Guys
We've been trying to export a mailing list from Method using the List Builder.
I'm trying to include all clients plus prospects.
I've run the list builder routine but just get the "timer circle of death" and when I try to export I simply get one meaningless record.
Please can you outline how I can create ...
Seny -
A tip for you. You'll see in some of the apps where we use a selection list, we'll do something like:
1. Set resultSelectionList to "-99" in the first action of "Assign Value to Action Result".
2. Start Loop Through Table.
3. Character Function, "Join with Comma" ...
That's what I thought.
As long as I know it will cause a split, I will just make sure that there are no commas before join another one.
Seny - it's going to do a simple "split" function in the backend to turn it into an array. So your extra comma will just cause an extra selection list value. It's very basic - so hopefully this is what you need.
Hope that helps,
Thanks, btw, does it matter if in one of my values there is already a comma?
Seny - use a Character function, and "Join with Comma".
I know I could use a shared result, however, my question was how do I build the list?
which means that I will have a list of values need to be stroed in the shared result, so how do I "Join" multiple values into a Shared Result, so that later on when I use it, it will looks like a list in stead of a long string?
Hi Emsegal,
It seems you are an MSP since you do demonstrations. If you are an MSP then please contact Danny Do Couto about a possible reset.
Also, there is a dedicated MSP forum, to access it please use the following link: