Victor has made a new update of the API. Here's what's new:
MethodAPIGetCSS - provides developers with a Method user's color and font settings. This allows you to create a similar looking environment in your 3rd party app if you need to create a screen outside of Method's platform.
MethodAPIInsertFile - allows you to ...
Seny -
No, there's not. Though, I don't think you'd want to show popup 5 times :).
What's planned is a loop through a selection list. So if you supplied 1,2,3,4,5 it would loop through 5 times and have the current value available as an action result. This is coming soon (within the next month or two) ...
[quote user="Wilna"]
Are there reports that can be imported into Method from QExpress for Route List and Work Orders that would have Bed Maintenance, Landscape Projects information already developed on them. Where would I find them and how would I bring them into a clients Method account data file.
There is no ...
Are there reports that can be imported into Method from QExpress for Route List and Work Orders that would have Bed Maintenance, Landscape Projects information already developed on them. Where would I find them and how would I bring them into a clients Method account data file.
We’ll be pushing out a small update to the Professional Services Beta on Monday, September 13th from 9:00am to 11:00am Eastern Time. We ask that you avoid clicking and being in the Professional Services tab during this time. Other areas of Method will not be affected.
Thank you,
The scheduled update has been complete and ...
Hi Ryan,
Just for your information, when I try to create an ItemReceipt from Method, after I selected some lineitems from a Purchase Order, then I can see the LinkToPurchaseOrder has a valid value. However, after I saved the ItemReceipt, then that field (LinkToPurchaseOrder) no longer has a value. That is when I got confused. If that value stays ...
Can I do I a simple for loop in the actions?
ex. for(int i=0; i<5;i++)
Show popup screen;
If you prefer
MethodAPISelect_XMLV2, here is a sample code for it also:
string result =
_methodApi.MethodAPISelect_XMLV2("CompanyName ", " UserName ", "Password", "", "UploadFileTable", "UploadField,UploadFieldFileName", "RecordID=1", ...
That was fast. Thanks.
Hi Seny,
In order to retrieve the file you can use MethodAPISelect_DatasetV2. Here is a sample code:
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string result =
_methodApi.MethodAPISelect_DataSetV2("CompanyName", "UserName", "Password", "", ref ds, ...